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This module implements semantic checking for pragmas


allRoutinePragmas = {wMagic..wThread, wEffectsOf,
                     wImportCompilerProc..wExportNims, wNodecl,
                     wSideEffect..wNosinks, wDynlib..wUsed, wError,
                     wStackTrace..wLineTrace, wDeprecated..wVarargs,
                     wNimcall..wNoconv, wRaises, wTags, wNoDestroy,
                     wCompileTime..wNoInit, wBorrow..wDiscardable,
                     wGensym..wInject, wAsmNoStackFrame, wCodegenDecl, wLocks,
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constPragmas = {wMagic, wIntDefine..wBoolDefine, wImportc..wExportNims, wNodecl,
                wHeader, wCompilerProc..wCore, wUsed, wError, wDeprecated,
                wGensym..wInject, wExtern}
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converterPragmas = {wMagic..wThread, wEffectsOf,
                    wImportCompilerProc..wExportNims, wNodecl,
                    wSideEffect..wNosinks, wDynlib..wProcVar, wUsed, wError,
                    wStackTrace..wLineTrace, wDeprecated..wVarargs,
                    wNimcall..wNoconv, wRaises, wTags, wNoDestroy,
                    wCompileTime..wNoInit, wBorrow..wDiscardable,
                    wGensym..wInject, wAsmNoStackFrame, wCodegenDecl, wLocks,
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enumFieldPragmas = {wDeprecated}
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exprPragmas = {wLine, wLocks, wNoRewrite, wGcSafe, wNoSideEffect}
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fieldPragmas = {wCursor..wNoalias, wImportc..wExportc, wRequiresInit..wAlign,
                wUsed, wError, wDeprecated, wGuard, wExtern, wBitsize}
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FirstCallConv = wNimcall
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forVarPragmas = {wInject, wGensym}
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iteratorPragmas = {wMagic, wEffectsOf, wImportc..wExportNims, wNodecl,
                   wSideEffect, wNoSideEffect..wGcSafe, wUsed, wError,
                   wStackTrace..wLineTrace, wDeprecated, wNimcall..wNoconv,
                   wRaises, wTags, wBorrow..wDiscardable, wGensym..wInject,
                   wLocks, wExtern}
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lambdaPragmas = {wNimcall..wNoconv, wNoSideEffect, wSideEffect, wNoreturn,
                 wNosinks, wDynlib, wHeader, wThread, wAsmNoStackFrame, wRaises,
                 wLocks, wTags, wEffectsOf, wGcSafe, wCodegenDecl, wNoInit,
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LastCallConv = wNoconv
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letPragmas = {wMagic, wCursor..wNoalias, wImportc..wExportNims, wAlign..wNodecl,
              wHeader, wDynlib..wCore, wUsed, wError, wDeprecated,
              wCompileTime..wNoInit, wGensym..wInject, wThreadVar, wGlobal,
              wGuard, wExtern, wRegister, wVolatile}
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macroPragmas = {wMagic, wImportc..wExportNims, wNodecl, wNoSideEffect,
                wCompilerProc..wCore, wUsed, wError, wDeprecated,
                wNimcall..wNoconv, wDiscardable, wGensym..wInject, wExtern}
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methodPragmas = {wMagic..wThread, wEffectsOf, wImportCompilerProc..wExportNims,
                 wNodecl, wSideEffect..wNosinks, wDynlib..wUsed, wError,
                 wStackTrace..wLineTrace, wDeprecated..wVarargs,
                 wNimcall..wNoconv, wRaises, wTags, wNoDestroy,
                 wCompileTime..wNoInit, wBorrow..wDiscardable, wGensym..wInject,
                 wAsmNoStackFrame, wCodegenDecl, wLocks, wExtern}
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paramPragmas = {wNoalias, wInject, wGensym}
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procPragmas = {wMagic..wThread, wEffectsOf, wImportCompilerProc..wExportNims,
               wNodecl, wSideEffect..wNosinks, wDynlib..wProcVar, wUsed, wError,
               wStackTrace..wLineTrace, wDeprecated..wVarargs,
               wNimcall..wNoconv, wRaises, wTags, wNoDestroy,
               wCompileTime..wNoInit, wBorrow..wDiscardable, wGensym..wInject,
               wAsmNoStackFrame, wCodegenDecl, wLocks, wExtern}
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procTypePragmas = {wNimcall..wNoconv, wVarargs, wNoSideEffect, wThread, wRaises,
                   wEffectsOf, wLocks, wTags, wGcSafe}
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stmtPragmas = {wChecks, wObjChecks, wFieldChecks, wRangeChecks, wBoundChecks,
               wOverflowChecks, wNilChecks, wStaticBoundchecks, wStyleChecks,
               wAssertions, wWarnings, wHints, wLineDir, wStackTrace,
               wLineTrace, wOptimization, wHint, wWarning, wError, wFatal,
               wDefine, wUndef, wCompile, wLink, wPush, wPop, wPassl, wPassc,
               wLocalPassc, wDebugger, wProfiler, wDeprecated, wFloatChecks,
               wInfChecks, wNanChecks, wPragma, wEmit, wTrMacros, wEffects,
               wComputedGoto, wExperimental, wUsed, wByRef, wCallconv}
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templatePragmas = {wDeprecated, wError, wGensym, wInject, wDirty, wExportNims,
                   wUsed, wPragma}
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typePragmas = {wMagic, wFinal, wImportc..wRequiresInit, wNodecl..wPure, wHeader,
               wGcSafe, wCompilerProc..wCore, wUsed, wError, wDeprecated, wSize,
               wPackage, wBorrow, wAcyclic, wGensym..wInject, wInheritable,
               wExplain, wExtern, wUnion..wPacked, wByCopy..wByRef}
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varPragmas = {wMagic, wCursor..wNoalias, wImportc..wExportNims, wAlign..wNodecl,
              wHeader, wDynlib..wCore, wUsed, wError, wDeprecated,
              wCompileTime..wNoInit, wGensym..wInject, wThreadVar, wGlobal,
              wGuard, wExtern, wRegister, wVolatile}
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proc getPragmaVal(procAst: PNode; name: TSpecialWord): PNode {....raises: [],
    tags: [].}
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proc hasPragma(n: PNode; pragma: TSpecialWord): bool {....raises: [], tags: [].}
true if any of n's children are of pragma special words   Source   Edit
proc illegalCustomPragma(c: PContext; n: PNode; s: PSym): PNode {....raises: [],
    tags: [].}
create an error node (nkError) for an illegal custom pragma error   Source   Edit
proc implicitPragmas(c: PContext; sym: PSym; n: PNode;
                     validPragmas: TSpecialWords): PNode {.
    ...raises: [Exception, ERecoverableError, KeyError, ValueError],
    tags: [RootEffect, ReadIOEffect, ReadDirEffect, ReadEnvEffect, TimeEffect].}
Adds implicit pragmas to the list n and applies them to sym afterwards. Implicit pragmas that don't apply (because they're, for example, built-in pragmas not present in validPragmas) are ignored.   Source   Edit
proc inheritDynlib(c: PContext; sym: PSym) {....raises: [], tags: [].}
Apply the dynlib pragma from the top of the option stack to sym, if applicable. The dynlib pragma can be applied if the symbol is marked as imported, but no header nor dynlib are specified.   Source   Edit
proc invalidPragma(c: PContext; n: PNode): PNode {....raises: [], tags: [].}
create an error node (nkError) for an invalid pragma error   Source   Edit
proc pragmaAsm(c: PContext; n: PNode): tuple[marker: char, err: PNode] {.
    ...raises: [], tags: [].}
Gets the marker out of an asm stmts pragma list Returns ` as the default marker if no other markers are found   Source   Edit
proc pragmaDecl(c: PContext; sym: PSym; n: PNode; validPragmas: TSpecialWords): PNode {.
    ...raises: [KeyError, Exception, ERecoverableError, ValueError],
    tags: [RootEffect, ReadIOEffect, ReadDirEffect, ReadEnvEffect, TimeEffect].}
Similar to pragmaDeclNoImplicit, but adds the implicit pragmas to the resulting list and applies.   Source   Edit
proc pragmaDeclNoImplicit(c: PContext; sym: PSym; n: PNode;
                          validPragmas: TSpecialWords): PNode {.
    ...raises: [KeyError, Exception, ERecoverableError, ValueError],
    tags: [RootEffect, ReadIOEffect, ReadDirEffect, ReadEnvEffect, TimeEffect].}

Analyses the pragma list n, making sure each pragma is semantically valid and applying the symbol operators to sym. validPragmas is the list of built-in pragmas that are allowed -- usage of one not present in the set is an error.

No implicit pragmas (i.e. pushed ones) are added to the list nor applied.

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proc pragmaExpr(c: PContext; n: PNode): PNode {.
    ...raises: [KeyError, Exception, ERecoverableError],
    tags: [RootEffect, ReadIOEffect, ReadDirEffect].}
Pre-processes the pragma list n for the purpose of further processing by sem in the context of applying pragmas to an expression.   Source   Edit
proc pragmaStmt(c: PContext; n: PNode; owner: PSym): PNode {....raises: [KeyError,
    Exception, ERecoverableError, OSError, IOError, ValueError, EOFError], tags: [
    RootEffect, ReadIOEffect, ReadDirEffect, WriteDirEffect, WriteIOEffect,
    ReadEnvEffect, TimeEffect].}
Analyses and evaluates for their side-effects the pragmas in list n. owner is provided for addition context and is sometimes mutated.   Source   Edit
proc semAsmOrEmit(con: PContext; n: PNode; marker: char): PNode {.
    ...raises: [KeyError, Exception], tags: [ReadDirEffect, RootEffect].}
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