Built-in types and compilerprocs are registered here.
proc addSonSkipIntLit(parent, kid: PType; id: IdGenerator) {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc getCompilerProc(g: ModuleGraph; name: string): PSym {. ...raises: [KeyError, Exception], tags: [ReadDirEffect, RootEffect].}
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proc getFloatLitType(g: ModuleGraph; literal: PNode): PType {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func getMagicEqForType(t: PType): TMagic {....raises: [], tags: [].}
- Returns the mEqX magic for the given type t. Source Edit
proc getMagicEqSymForType(g: ModuleGraph; t: PType; info: TLineInfo): PSym {. ...raises: [KeyError, Exception, ERecoverableError], tags: [ReadDirEffect, RootEffect].}
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func getMagicLessForType(t: PType): tuple[le, lt: TMagic] {....raises: [], tags: [].}
- Returns the mLeX and mLtX magic for type t. Source Edit
proc getNimScriptSymbol(g: ModuleGraph; name: string): PSym {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc getSysMagic(g: ModuleGraph; info: TLineInfo; name: string; m: TMagic): PSym {. ...raises: [KeyError, Exception, ERecoverableError], tags: [ReadDirEffect, RootEffect].}
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proc getSysSym(g: ModuleGraph; info: TLineInfo; name: string): PSym {. ...raises: [KeyError, Exception, ERecoverableError], tags: [ReadDirEffect, RootEffect].}
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proc getSysType(g: ModuleGraph; info: TLineInfo; kind: TTypeKind): PType {. ...raises: [KeyError, Exception, ERecoverableError], tags: [ReadDirEffect, RootEffect].}
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proc nilOrSysInt(g: ModuleGraph): PType {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc registerCompilerProc(g: ModuleGraph; s: PSym) {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc registerNimScriptSymbol(g: ModuleGraph; s: PSym) {. ...raises: [Exception, ERecoverableError], tags: [RootEffect].}
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proc registerNimScriptSymbol2(g: ModuleGraph; s: PSym): PNode {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc resetNimScriptSymbols(g: ModuleGraph) {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc resetSysTypes(g: ModuleGraph) {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc skipIntLit(t: PType; id: IdGenerator): PType {.inline, ...raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc sysTypeFromName(g: ModuleGraph; info: TLineInfo; name: string): PType {. ...raises: [KeyError, Exception, ERecoverableError], tags: [ReadDirEffect, RootEffect].}
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