module with semantic analysis legacy reports definitions
SemGcUnsafetyKind = enum sgcuCallsUnsafe, sgcuAccessesGcGlobal, sgcuIndirectCallVia, sgcuIndirectCallHere
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SemNilHistory = object info*: TLineInfo ## the location nilability*: Nilability ## the nilability kind*: NilTransition ## what kind of transition was that node*: PNode ## the node of the expression
- keep history for each transition Source Edit
SemReport = object of SemishReportBase ast*: PNode typ*: PType sym*: PSym str*: string spellingCandidates*: seq[SemSpellCandidate] case kind*: ReportKind of rsemDuplicateModuleImport: previous*: PSym of rsemCannotInstantiateWithParameter: arguments*: tuple[got, expected: seq[PNode]] of rsemUnavailableTypeBound: missingTypeBoundElaboration*: tuple[anotherRead: Option[TLineInfo], tryMakeSinkParam: bool] of rsemDuplicateCaseLabel: overlappingGroup*: PNode of rsemCannotBorrow: borrowPair*: tuple[mutatedHere, connectedVia: TLineInfo] of rsemXCannotRaiseY: raisesList*: PNode of rsemStrictNotNilExpr, rsemStrictNotNilResult: nilIssue*: Nilability nilHistory*: seq[SemNilHistory] of rsemExpectedIdentifierInExpr, rsemExpectedIdentifierWithExprContext, rsemExpectedOrdinal, rsemUseOrDiscardExpr, rsemOnlyDeclaredIdentifierFoundIsError, rsemCantConvertLiteralToRange: wrongNode*: PNode of rsemWarnGcUnsafeListing, rsemErrGcUnsafeListing: gcUnsafeTrace*: tuple[isUnsafe: PSym, unsafeVia: PSym, unsafeRelation: SemGcUnsafetyKind] of rsemDeprecatedCompilerOptArg: compilerOptArg*: string of rsemCompilerOptionArgInvalid: badCompilerOptArg*: string allowedOptArgs*: seq[string] of rsemHasSideEffects: sideEffectTrace*: seq[tuple[isUnsafe: PSym, unsafeVia: PSym, trace: SemSideEffectCallKind, location: TLineInfo, level: int]] sideEffectMutateConnection*: TLineInfo of rsemEffectsListingHint: effectListing*: tuple[tags, exceptions: seq[PType]] of rsemReportCountMismatch, rsemWrongNumberOfVariables: countMismatch*: tuple[expected, got: int] of rsemReportBigOrdsEnergy: expectedCount*, got*: Int128 of rsemInvalidExtern: externName*: string of rsemWrongIdent: expectedIdents*: seq[string] of rsemStaticIndexLeqUnprovable, rsemStaticIndexGeProvable: rangeExpression*: tuple[a, b: PNode] of rsemExprHasNoAddress: isUnsafeAddr*: bool of rsemUndeclaredIdentifier, rsemCallNotAProcOrField: recursiveDeps*: seq[tuple[importer, importee: FileIndex]] notProcOrField*: PNode ## `rsemCallNotAProcOrField`, the field explicitCall*: bool ## Whether `rsemCallNotAProcOrField` ## error was due to an explicit dot ## call expression, eg: `` unexpectedCandidate*: seq[PSym] ## Symbols that are syntactically valid ## in this context, but semantically ## are not allowed - for example ## `object.iterator()` call outside ## of a `for` loop. of rsemDisjointFields, rsemUnsafeRuntimeDiscriminantInit, rsemConflictingDiscriminantInit, rsemMissingCaseBranches, rsemConflictingDiscriminantValues: fieldMismatches*: tuple[first, second: seq[PSym]] nodes*: seq[PNode] of rsemCannotInstantiate: ownerSym*: PSym of {rsemConflictingExportnims, rsemRedefinitionOf, rsemOverrideSafetyMismatch..rsemOverrideLockMismatch, rsemIllegalCallconvCapture, rsemInvalidMethodDeclarationOrder, rsemDoubleCompletionOf, rsemUnexpectedPragmaInDefinitionOf, rsemBorrowOutlivesSource..rsemImmutableBorrowMutation, rsemDeprecated} + {rsemAmbiguous, rsemAmbiguousIdentWithCandidates, rsemObjectRequiresFieldInit, rsemObjectRequiresFieldInitNoDefault}: symbols*: seq[PSym] of rsemExpandMacro, rsemPattern: expandedAst*: PNode of rsemLockLevelMismatch, rsemMethodLockMismatch: anotherMethod*: PSym lockMismatch*: tuple[expected, got: string] of rsemTypeMismatch, rsemSuspiciousEnumConv, rsemTypeKindMismatch, rsemCannotConvertTypes, rsemImplicitObjConv, rsemIllegalConversion, rsemConceptInferenceFailed, rsemCannotCastTypes, rsemGenericTypeExpected, rsemCannotBeOfSubtype, rsemDifferentTypeForReintroducedSymbol: typeMismatch*: seq[SemTypeMismatch] of rsemSymbolKindMismatch: expectedSymbolKind*: set[TSymKind] of rsemTypeNotAllowed: allowedType*: tuple[allowed: PType, actual: PType, kind: TSymKind, allowedFlags: TTypeAllowedFlags] of rsemCallTypeMismatch, rsemNonMatchingCandidates: callMismatches*: seq[SemCallMismatch] ## Description of all the failed ## candidates. of rsemStaticOutOfBounds: indexSpec*: tuple[usedIdx, minIdx, maxIdx: Int128] of rsemProcessing: processing*: tuple[isNimscript: bool, importStackLen: int, moduleStatus: string, fileIdx: FileIndex] of rsemLinterReport, rsemLinterReportUse: info*: TLineInfo linterFail*: tuple[wanted, got: string] of rsemDiagnostics: diag*: SemDiagnostics else: nil
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SemSideEffectCallKind = enum ssefUsesGlobalState, ssefCallsSideEffect, ssefCallsViaHiddenIndirection, ssefCallsViaIndirection, ssefParameterMutation
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func reportAst(kind: ReportKind; ast: PNode; str: string = ""; typ: PType = nil; sym: PSym = nil): SemReport {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func reportSem(kind: ReportKind): SemReport {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func reportStr(kind: ReportKind; str: string; ast: PNode = nil; typ: PType = nil; sym: PSym = nil): SemReport {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func reportSym(kind: ReportKind; sym: PSym; ast: PNode = nil; str: string = ""; typ: PType = nil): SemReport {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc reportSymbols(kind: ReportKind; symbols: seq[PSym]; typ: PType = nil; ast: PNode = nil): SemReport {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func reportTyp(kind: ReportKind; typ: PType; ast: PNode = nil; sym: PSym = nil; str: string = ""): SemReport {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func severity(report: SemReport): ReportSeverity {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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