Enum types used in nilability check reports and nilcheck implementation itself
Nilability = enum Parent, Safe, MaybeNil, Nil, Unreachable
- Nilability : if a value is nilable. we have maybe nil and nil, so we can differentiate between cases where we know for sure a value is nil and not otherwise we can have Safe, MaybeNil Parent: is because we just use a sequence with the same length instead of a table, and we need to check if something was initialized at all: if Parent is set, then you need to check the parent nilability if the parent is nil, then for now we return MaybeNil unreachable is the result of add(Safe, Nil) and others it is a result of no states left, so it's usually e.g. in unreachable else branches? Source Edit
NilTransition = enum TArg, TAssign, TType, TNil, TVarArg, TResult, TSafe, TPotentialAlias, TDependant
- transition kind: what was the reason for changing the nilability of
- an expression useful for error messages and showing why an expression is being detected as nil / maybe nil