This module provides type definitions for all structured report entries that compiler can provide.
Note that this module specifically does not import anything else from the compiler - by design it is supposed to be available in every other module (because almost any phase of the compiler can generate reports one way or another). By design report should contain as much information as possible and never be used for any conditional logic in the compiler - it is a final form of the output that can only be printed to the output (either via user-provided report hook implementation, or using one of the built-in ones)
Not using compiler-specific types also allows this report to be easily reused by external tooling - custom error pretty-printers, test runners and so on.
Debug Defines:
- compilerDebugCompilerReportStatistics: output stats of counts for various
- report kinds
Report = object case category*: ReportCategory of repLexer: lexReport*: LexerReport of repParser: parserReport*: ParserReport of repSem: semReport*: SemReport of repVM: vmReport*: VMReport of repCmd: cmdReport*: CmdReport of repDebug: debugReport*: DebugReport of repInternal: internalReport*: InternalReport of repBackend: backendReport*: BackendReport of repExternal: externalReport*: ExternalReport
- Toplevel wrapper type for the compiler report Source Edit
reportEmpty = Report(category: repInternal, internalReport: InternalReport(kind: repNone))
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func `$`(point: ReportLineInfo): string {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func actualType(r: SemReport): PType {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func category(kind: ReportKind): ReportCategory {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func context(report: Report): seq[ReportContext] {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func context=(report: var Report; context: seq[ReportContext]) {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func formalType(r: SemReport): PType {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func formalTypeKind(r: SemReport): set[TTypeKind] {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func isValid(point: ReportLineInfo): bool {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func kind(report: Report): ReportKind {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func reportFrom(report: Report): ReportLineInfo {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func reportFrom=(report: var Report; loc: ReportLineInfo) {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func reportInst(report: Report): ReportLineInfo {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func severity(report: Report; asError: ReportKinds = default(ReportKinds); asWarning: ReportKinds = default(ReportKinds)): ReportSeverity {. ...raises: [], tags: [].}
- Return report severity accounting for 'asError' and 'asWarning' mapping sets. Source Edit
func severity(report: ReportTypes; asError: ReportKinds; asWarning: ReportKinds = default(ReportKinds)): ReportSeverity
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func toReportLineInfo(iinfo: InstantiationInfo): ReportLineInfo {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func wrap(rep: sink BackendReport): Report {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func wrap(rep: sink DebugReport): Report {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func wrap(rep: sink ExternalReport): Report {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func wrap(rep: sink InternalReport): Report {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func wrap(rep: sink LexerReport): Report {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func wrap(rep: sink ParserReport): Report {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func wrap[R: ReportTypes](iinfo: InstantiationInfo; rep: sink R): Report
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func wrap[R: ReportTypes](rep: sink R; iinfo: InstantiationInfo): Report
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func wrap[R: ReportTypes](rep: sink R; iinfo: InstantiationInfo; point: TLineInfo): Report
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func wrap[R: ReportTypes](rep: sink R; iinfo: ReportLineInfo; point: TLineInfo): Report
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template calledFromInfo(): ReportLineInfo
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template eachCategory(report: Report; field: untyped): untyped
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template reportHere[R: ReportTypes](report: R): R
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template wrap(rep: ReportTypes): Report
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toInt128, toInt128, ReportLineInfo, rsemAnyEnumConvert, rvmTraceKinds, rbackRstRedefinitionOfLabel, rsemEachIdentIsTuple, rbackRstUnknownSubstitution, ReportSeverity, repBackendKinds, ReportKind, rsemErrorKinds, rcmdRunnableExamplesSuccess, InternalReportKind, repDebugKinds, rsemDuplicateModuleImport, rsemUnreachableCode, rintStackTrace, rsemWarnUnlistedRaises, rsemUnreachableElse, rbackRstUnsupportedLanguage, rintHintKinds, repExternalKinds, repCmdKinds, rintErrKind, SemOrVMReportKind, rsemUnsafeSetLen, rparInconsistentSpacing, ReportKinds, rbackWarningKinds, LexerReportKind, rsemXDeclaredButNotUsed, rintFatalKinds, rsevError, rbackHintKinds, rsemUserHint, rsemInheritFromException, rsevDebug, repLexerKinds, repFatalKinds, rvmErrorKinds, rintWarningKinds, rsemUseBase, rsemWarnGcUnsafe, rsemStrictNotNilResult, repLinterKinds, rsemProveInit, repExternal, rsevHint, rbackCompiling, rsemReportBigOrdsEnergy, rlexLineTooLong, rsemProcessingStmt, rsemGlobalVar, repHintKinds, rextHintKinds, rsemUninit, rsemHintLibDependency, repDebug, rsemUserError, repTraceKinds, rsemStrictNotNilExpr, rsemWarningKinds, repLinkingHints, rcmdWarningKinds, repDataPassKinds, rextPath, rintSuccessX, rparErrorKinds, repInternalKinds, rcmdLinking, rsemProveField, rparWarningKinds, rsemLockLevelMismatch, rsemDeprecatedCompilerOpt, rbackLinking, ExternalReportKind, rbackRstUnsupportedField, rsemUnsafeDefault, rsemXCannotRaiseY, rextConf, rsemHintKinds, rlexDeprecatedOctalPrefix, rbackErrorKinds, rsemExprAlwaysX, rvmHintKinds, rsemReportCountMismatch, rsemCodegenDeclDeprecated, rintQuitCalled, repNilcheckKinds, repPerformanceHints, repCmd, repErrorKinds, rbackRstBrokenLink, rsemUnknownHint, repVMKinds, rintSource, rsemUserWarning, rparHintKinds, rsemConvFromXtoItselfNotNeeded, CmdReportKind, rsevWarning, rsemImplicitCstringConvert, rsemConditionAlwaysTrue, rsemHoleEnumConvert, rsemObservableStores, rsemResultShadowed, rsemUseOfGc, rsemProcessing, rsevTrace, rstWarnings, rsemDeprecatedCompilerOptArg, rlexHintKinds, rcmdHintKinds, repAllKinds, rlexLinterReport, rsemReportOneSym, BackendReportKind, repSem, rcmdCompiling, repHintGroups, SemReportKind, repInternal, rsemClosureWithoutEnv, repLexer, rsemPattern, rsemWarnGcUnsafeListing, rsemDeprecated, repWarningKinds, rsemTypelessParam, rlexSourceCodeFilterOutput, ParserReportKind, repVM, rbackRstRstStyle, rsemConvToBaseNotNeeded, repStrictNotNilWarnings, VMReportKind, repWarningGroups, rintDataPassKinds, repParser, repBackend, rsemSuspiciousEnumConv, rsemLinterReportUse, rparEnablePreviewDotOps, rcmdExecuting, rsemUnknownMagic, rvmWarningKinds, rsemConditionAlwaysFalse, rextErrorKinds, rsemExpandMacro, rsemReportTwoSym, rcmdErrorKinds, DebugReportKind, repSemKinds, rsemExtendedContext, rsemReportListSym, ReportCategory, SemReportErrorKind, rsemUnusedImport, rsevFatal, repParserKinds, rintMsgOrigin, rsemImplicitObjConv, rlexErrorKinds, rintErrorKinds, rsemUnknownWarning, rsemResultUsed, rlexWarningKinds, rsemLinterReport