Implements the module handling, including the caching of modules.
proc compileModule(graph: ModuleGraph; fileIdx: FileIndex; flags: TSymFlags; fromModule: PSym = nil): PSym {....raises: [OSError, IOError, KeyError, Exception, ERecoverableError, ValueError, EOFError], tags: [ ReadEnvEffect, ReadIOEffect, WriteDirEffect, ReadDirEffect, RootEffect, TimeEffect, WriteIOEffect].}
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proc compileProject(graph: ModuleGraph; projectFileIdx = InvalidFileIdx) {....raises: [ Exception, ERecoverableError, KeyError, OSError, IOError, ValueError, EOFError], tags: [RootEffect, ReadDirEffect, ReadEnvEffect, ReadIOEffect, WriteDirEffect, TimeEffect, WriteIOEffect].}
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proc compileSystemModule(graph: ModuleGraph) {....raises: [KeyError, Exception, OSError, IOError, ERecoverableError, ValueError, EOFError], tags: [ ReadDirEffect, RootEffect, ReadEnvEffect, ReadIOEffect, WriteDirEffect, TimeEffect, WriteIOEffect].}
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proc connectCallbacks(graph: ModuleGraph) {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc importModule(graph: ModuleGraph; s: PSym; fileIdx: FileIndex): PSym {....raises: [ OSError, IOError, KeyError, Exception, ERecoverableError, ValueError, EOFError], tags: [ReadEnvEffect, ReadIOEffect, WriteDirEffect, ReadDirEffect, RootEffect, TimeEffect, WriteIOEffect].}
- this is called by the semantic checking phase Source Edit
proc includeModule(graph: ModuleGraph; s: PSym; fileIdx: FileIndex): PNode {. ...raises: [Exception, ERecoverableError, IOError, ValueError, KeyError], tags: [RootEffect, ReadIOEffect, ReadDirEffect, WriteIOEffect].}
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proc makeModule(graph: ModuleGraph; filename: AbsoluteFile): PSym {. ...raises: [Exception, ERecoverableError, KeyError], tags: [RootEffect, ReadDirEffect].}
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proc makeModule(graph: ModuleGraph; filename: string): PSym {. ...raises: [Exception, ERecoverableError, KeyError], tags: [RootEffect, ReadDirEffect].}
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proc makeStdinModule(graph: ModuleGraph): PSym {. ...raises: [Exception, ERecoverableError, KeyError], tags: [RootEffect, ReadDirEffect].}
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proc resetSystemArtifacts(g: ModuleGraph) {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc wantMainModule(conf: ConfigRef) {....raises: [Exception, ERecoverableError, KeyError], tags: [RootEffect, ReadDirEffect].}
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