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This module contains the data structures for the C code generation phase.


BModule = ref TCGen
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BModuleList = ref object of RootObj
  mapping*: Rope             ## the generated mapping file (if requested)
  modules*: seq[BModule]     ## list of all compiled modules
  modulesClosed*: seq[BModule] ## list of the same compiled modules, but in the order they were closed
  generatedHeader*: BModule
  typeInfoMarker*: TypeCacheWithOwner
  typeInfoMarkerV2*: TypeCacheWithOwner
  config*: ConfigRef
  graph*: ModuleGraph
  nimtv*: Rope               ## Nim thread vars; the struct body
  nimtvDeps*: seq[PType]     ## type deps: every module needs whole struct
  nimtvDeclared*: IntSet     ## so that every var/field exists only once
                             ## in the struct
                             ## 'nimtv' is incredibly hard to modularize! Best
                             ## effort is to store all thread vars in a ROD
                             ## section and with their type deps and load them
                             ## unconditionally...
                             ## nimtvDeps is VERY hard to cache because it's
                             ## not a list of IDs nor can it be made to be one.
  env*: MirEnv               ## the project-wide MIR environment
  globals*: SeqMap[GlobalId, TLoc] ## the locs for all alive globals of the program
  consts*: SeqMap[ConstId, TLoc] ## the locs for all alive constants of the program
  procs*: SeqMap[ProcedureId, ProcLoc] ## the locs for all alive procedure of the program
  fields*: SymbolMap[string] ## stores the C name for each field
  hooks*: seq[(BModule, ProcedureId)] ## late late-dependencies. Generating code for a procedure might lead
                                      ## to the RTTI setup code for some type from a foreign module (i.e., one
                                      ## different from the module that acts as the current context) to be
                                      ## emitted, and this setup code might reference additional procedures.
                                      ## Written: by the code generator and orchestrator; reset by the
                                      ##          orchestrator
                                      ## Read:    by the orchestrator
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BProc = ref TCProc
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CodegenFlag = enum
  preventStackTrace,        ## true if stack traces need to be prevented
  usesThreadVars,           ## true if the module uses a thread var
  frameDeclared,            ## hack for ROD support so that we don't declare
                             ## a frame var twice in an init proc
  isHeaderFile,             ## C source file is the header file
  includesStringh            ## C source file already includes ``<string.h>``
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LocFlag = enum
  lfIndirect,               ## code generator introduced a pointer
  lfSingleUse,              ## no location yet and will only be used once
  lfEnforceDeref,           ## a copyMem is required to dereference if this a
                             ## ptr array due to C array limitations.
                             ## See #1181, #6422, #11171
  lfWantLvalue               ## on empty locs, signals that a C lvalue is
                             ## expected
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ProcLoc = object
  name*: string              ## the name of the C function in the generated
                             ## code
  params*: seq[TLoc]         ## the locs of the parameters
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SymbolMap[T] = object
  store: Store[range[0'u32 .. high(uint32) - 1], T]

Associates extra location-related data with symbols. This is temporary scaffolding until each entity (type, local, procedure, etc.) is consistently represented as an index-like handle in the code generator, at which point a Store (or SeqMap) can be used directly.

Mapping from a symbol to the associated data currently happens via TSym.locId.

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TBlock = object
  sections*: TCProcSections  ## the code belonging
  frameLen*: int16
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TCFileSection = enum
  cfsMergeInfo,             ## section containing merge information
  cfsHeaders,               ## section for C include file headers
  cfsFrameDefines,          ## section for nim frame macros
  cfsForwardTypes,          ## section for C forward typedefs
  cfsTypes,                 ## section for C typedefs
  cfsSeqTypes,              ## section for sequence types only
                             ## this is needed for strange type generation
                             ## reasons
  cfsFieldInfo,             ## section for field information
  cfsTypeInfo,              ## section for type information (ag ABI checks)
  cfsProcHeaders,           ## section for C procs prototypes
  cfsData,                  ## section for C constant data
  cfsVars,                  ## section for C variable declarations
  cfsProcs,                 ## section for C procs that are not inline
  cfsInitProc,              ## section for the C init proc
  cfsDatInitProc,           ## section for the C datInit proc
  cfsTypeInit1,             ## section 1 for declarations of type information
  cfsTypeInit2,             ## section 2 for init of type information
  cfsTypeInit3,             ## section 3 for init of type information
  cfsDebugInit               ## section for init of debug information
the sections a generated C file consists of   Source   Edit
TCFileSections = array[TCFileSection, Rope]
represents a generated C file   Source   Edit
TCProcFlag = enum
  beforeRetNeeded, threadVarAccessed, hasCurFramePointer, nimErrorFlagAccessed,
  nimErrorFlagDeclared, nimErrorFlagDisabled
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TCProcSection = enum
  cpsLocals,                ## section of local variables for C proc
  cpsInit,                  ## section for init of variables for C proc
  cpsStmts                   ## section of local statements for C proc
the sections a generated C proc consists of   Source   Edit
TCProcSections = array[TCProcSection, Rope]
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TCTypeKind = enum
  ctVoid, ctChar, ctBool, ctInt, ctInt8, ctInt16, ctInt32, ctInt64, ctFloat,
  ctFloat32, ctFloat64, ctUInt, ctUInt8, ctUInt16, ctUInt32, ctUInt64, ctArray,
  ctPtrToArray, ctStruct, ctPtr, ctNimStr, ctNimSeq, ctProc, ctNimOpenArray,
describes the type kind of a C type   Source   Edit
TLabel = Rope
for the C generator a label is just a rope   Source   Edit
TLoc = object
  k*: TLocKind               ## kind of location
  storage*: TStorageLoc
  flags*: set[LocFlag]       ## location's flags
  lode*: CgNode              ## Node where the location came from; can be faked
  r*: Rope                   ## rope value of location (code generators)
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TLocKind = enum
  locNone,                  ## no location
  locTemp,                  ## temporary location
  locLocalVar,              ## location is a local variable
  locGlobalVar,             ## location is a global variable
  locParam,                 ## location is a parameter
  locExpr,                  ## "location" is really an expression
  locData,                  ## location is a constant
  locCall,                  ## location is a call expression
  locOther                   ## location is something other
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TStorageLoc = enum
  OnUnknown,                ## location is unknown (stack, heap or static)
  OnStatic,                 ## in a static section
  OnStack,                  ## location is on hardware stack
  OnHeap                     ## location is on heap or global
                             ## (reference counting needed)
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TTypeSeq = seq[PType]
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TypeCache = Table[SigHash, Rope]
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TypeCacheWithOwner = Table[SigHash, tuple[str: Rope, owner: int32]]
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func `[]`[T](m: SymbolMap[T]; sym: PSym): lent T {.inline.}
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func `[]`[T](m: var SymbolMap[T]; sym: PSym): var T {.inline.}
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func assign[T](m: var SymbolMap[T]; sym: PSym; it: sink T) {.inline.}
Sets the value of the item in m with which sym is associated. This is only meant as a workaround.   Source   Edit
func contains[T](m: SymbolMap[T]; sym: PSym): bool {.inline.}
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proc forcePut[T](m: var SymbolMap[T]; sym: PSym; it: sink T) {.inline.}
Adds it to m and register a mapping between the item and sym, overwriting any existing mappings of sym.   Source   Edit
proc includeHeader(this: BModule; header: string) {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func isFilled(x: ProcLoc): bool {.inline, ...raises: [], tags: [].}
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func isFilled(x: TLoc): bool {.inline, ...raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc newModuleList(g: ModuleGraph): BModuleList {.
    ...raises: [KeyError, Exception, ERecoverableError],
    tags: [ReadDirEffect, RootEffect].}
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proc newProc(prc: PSym; module: BModule): BProc {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc procSec(p: BProc; s: TCProcSection): var Rope {.inline, ...raises: [],
    tags: [].}
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proc put[T](m: var SymbolMap[T]; sym: PSym; it: sink T) {.inline.}
Adds it to m and registers a mapping between the item and sym. sym must have no mapping registered yet.   Source   Edit
proc s(p: BProc; s: TCProcSection): var Rope {.inline, ...raises: [], tags: [].}
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iterator cgenModules(g: BModuleList): BModule {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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iterator items[T](m: SymbolMap[T]): lent T
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template config(m: BModule): ConfigRef
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template config(p: BProc): ConfigRef
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template consts(m: BModule): untyped
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template env(p: BProc): untyped
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template fieldName(p: BProc; field: PSym): string
Returns the C name for the given field.   Source   Edit
template fields(m: BModule): untyped
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template globals(m: BModule): untyped
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template params(p: BProc): seq[TLoc]
Returns the mutable list with the locs of p's parameters.   Source   Edit
template procs(m: BModule): untyped
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