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AdSemDefNameSym = object
  case kind*: AdSemDefNameSymKind
  of adSemDefNameSymExpectedKindMismatch:
      expectedKind*: TSymKind

  of adSemDefNameSymIdentGenFailed:
      identGenErr*: PNode

  of adSemDefNameSymExistingError, adSemDefNameSymIllformedAst:

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AdSemDefNameSymKind = enum
  adSemDefNameSymExpectedKindMismatch, adSemDefNameSymIdentGenFailed,
  adSemDefNameSymExistingError, adSemDefNameSymIllformedAst
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AstDiagKind = enum
  adWrappedError, adWrappedSymError, adCyclicTree, adSemTypeMismatch,
  adSemTypeNotAllowed, adSemTIsNotAConcreteType, adSemUndeclaredIdentifier,
  adSemConflictingExportnims, adSemAmbiguousIdentWithCandidates,
  adSemExpectedIdentifier, adSemExpectedIdentifierInExpr, ## Expr is the wrongNode itself
  adSemExpectedIdentifierWithExprContext, ## Expr part is informational
  adSemExpectedIdentifierQuoteLimit, ## backtick ident construction limit
  adSemModuleAliasMustBeIdentifier, adSemOnlyDeclaredIdentifierFoundIsError,
  adSemCannotImportItself, adSemInvalidPragma, adSemIllegalCustomPragma,
  adSemExternalLocalNotAllowed, adSemStringLiteralExpected,
  adSemIntLiteralExpected, adSemOnOrOffExpected, adSemCallconvExpected,
  adSemUnknownExperimental, adSemWrongIdent, adSemPragmaOptionExpected,
  adSemUnexpectedPushArgument, adSemMismatchedPopPush,
  adSemExcessiveCompilePragmaArgs, adSemEmptyAsm,
  adSemAsmEmitExpectsStringLiteral, adSemLinePragmaExpectsTuple,
  adSemRaisesPragmaExpectsObject, adSemLocksPragmaExpectsList,
  adSemLocksPragmaBadLevelRange, adSemLocksPragmaBadLevelString,
  adSemBorrowPragmaNonDot, adSemInvalidExtern, adSemMisplacedEffectsOf,
  adSemMissingPragmaArg, adSemCannotPushCast, adSemCastRequiresStatement,
  adSemPragmaRecursiveDependency, adSemImportjsRequiresJs,
  adSemBitsizeRequires1248, adSemAlignRequiresPowerOfTwo,
  adSemNoReturnHasReturn, adSemMisplacedDeprecation, adSemCustomUserError,
  adSemFatalError, adSemNoUnionForJs, adSemBitsizeRequiresPositive,
  adSemExperimentalRequiresToplevel, adSemImplicitPragmaError,
  adSemPragmaDynlibRequiresExportc, adSemIncompatibleDefaultExpr,
  adSemWrongNumberOfArguments, adVmUnsupportedNonNil, adVmDerefNilAccess,
  adVmDerefAccessOutOfBounds, adVmDerefAccessTypeMismatch, adVmGenError,
  adVmError, adVmQuit, adSemUnavailableLocation, adSemRawTypeMismatch,
  adSemExpressionCannotBeCalled, adSemCallTypeMismatch,
  adSemCallNotAProcOrField, adSemImplicitDotCallNotAProcOrField, adSemCallInCompilesContextNotAProcOrField, ## no data, fast for `compiles()`
  adSemUndeclaredField, adSemCannotInstantiate, adSemWrongNumberOfGenericParams,
  adSemCalleeHasAnError, adSemExpressionHasNoType, adSemDefNameSym, ## when creating a sym node from `nkIdentKinds`
  adSemTypeExpected, adSemStringRangeNotAllowed, adSemRangeIsEmpty,
  adSemIllformedAst, adSemIllformedAstExpectedPragmaOrIdent,
  adSemIllformedAstExpectedOneOf, adSemImplementationExpected,
  adSemImplementationNotAllowed, adSemInvalidExpression,
  adSemExpectedNonemptyPattern, adSemInvalidControlFlow, adSemExpectedLabel,
  adSemForExpectedIterator, adSemContinueCannotHaveLabel, adSemUseOrDiscardExpr,
  adSemAmbiguousIdent, adSemCannotConvertToRange, adSemProveInit,
  adSemCannotInferTypeOfLiteral, adSemProcHasNoConcreteType,
  adSemPragmaDisallowedForTupleUnpacking, adSemIllegalCompileTime,
  adSemDifferentTypeForReintroducedSymbol, adSemThreadvarCannotInit,
  adSemWrongNumberOfVariables, adSemLetNeedsInit, adSemConstExpressionExpected,
  adSemSelectorMustBeOfCertainTypes, adSemInvalidPragmaBlock,
  adSemConceptPredicateFailed, adSemDotOperatorsNotEnabled,
  adSemCallOperatorsNotEnabled, adSemUnexpectedPattern, adSemCannotBeRaised,
  adSemCannotRaiseNonException, adSemTypeKindMismatch,
  adSemConstantOfTypeHasNoValue, adSemTypeConversionArgumentMismatch,
  adSemUnexpectedEqInObjectConstructor, adSemIllegalConversion,
  adSemCannotBeConvertedTo, adSemCannotCastToNonConcrete, adSemCannotCastTypes,
  adSemMagicExpectTypeOrValue, adSemLowHighInvalidArgument,
  adSemIsOperatorTakes2Args, adSemUnknownIdentifier,
  adSemInvalidTupleConstructorKey, adSemNoTupleTypeForConstructor,
  adSemExpectedOrdinalArrayIdx, adSemIndexOutOfBounds,
  adSemInvalidOrderInArrayConstructor, adSemStackEscape,
  adSemVarForOutParamNeeded, adSemRecursiveDependencyIterator,
  adSemCallIndirectTypeMismatch, adSemSystemNeeds, adSemDisallowedNilDeref,
  adSemCannotDeref, adSemInvalidTupleSubscript, adSemLocalEscapesStackFrame,
  adSemImplicitAddrIsNotFirstParam, adSemCannotAssignTo,
  adSemYieldExpectedTupleConstr, adSemCannotReturnTypeless,
  adSemExpectedValueForYield, adSemNamedExprExpected, adSemFieldInitTwice,
  adSemDisallowedTypedescForTupleField, adSemNamedExprNotAllowed,
  adSemCannotMixTypesAndValuesInTuple, adSemNoReturnTypeDeclared,
  adSemReturnNotAllowed, adSemExprHasNoAddress, adSemExpectedOrdinal,
  adSemConstExprExpected, adSemExpectedRangeType, adSemExpectedObjectForOf,
  adSemCannotBeOfSubtype, adSemFieldAssignmentInvalid, adSemFieldNotAccessible,
  adSemObjectRequiresFieldInit, adSemObjectRequiresFieldInitNoDefault,
  adSemExpectedObjectType, adSemExpectedObjectOfType,
  adSemObjectDoesNotHaveDefaultValue, adSemDistinctDoesNotHaveDefaultValue,
  adSemFoldRangeCheckForLiteralConversionFailed, adSemIndexOutOfBoundsStatic,
  adSemStaticFieldNotFound, adSemInvalidIntDefine, adSemInvalidBoolDefine,
  adSemFoldOverflow, adSemFoldDivByZero, adSemFoldCannotComputeOffset,
  adSemCompilerOptionInvalid, adSemCompilerOptionArgInvalid,
  adSemDeprecatedCompilerOpt, adSemDeprecatedCompilerOptArg
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AstDiagVmError = object
  case kind*: AstDiagVmKind
  of adVmUserError:
      errLoc*: TLineInfo
      errMsg*: string

  of adVmArgNodeNotASymbol:
      callName*: string
      argAst*: PNode
      argPos*: int

  of adVmCannotCast, adVmIllegalConvFromXToY:
      formalType*: PType
      actualType*: PType

  of adVmIndexError:
      indexSpec*: tuple[usedIdx, minIdx, maxIdx: Int128]

  of adVmErrInternal, adVmNilAccess, adVmIllegalConv, adVmFieldUnavailable,
     adVmFieldNotFound, adVmCacheKeyAlreadyExists, adVmMissingCacheKey,
      msg*: string

  of adVmCannotSetChild, adVmCannotAddChild, adVmCannotGetChild,
     adVmUnhandledException, adVmNoType, adVmNodeNotASymbol:
      ast*: PNode

  of adVmNotAField:
      sym*: PSym

  of adVmOpcParseExpectedExpression, adVmCannotModifyTypechecked,
     adVmAccessOutOfBounds, adVmAccessTypeMismatch, adVmAccessNoLocation,
     adVmOutOfRange, adVmOverOrUnderflow, adVmDivisionByConstZero,
     adVmNodeNotAProcSymbol, adVmTooManyIterations:

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AstDiagVmGenError = object
  case kind*: AstDiagVmGenKind
  of adVmGenTooManyRegistersRequired:

  of adVmGenNotUnused, adVmGenCannotEvaluateAtComptime:
      ast*: PNode

  of adVmGenMissingImportcCompleteStruct, adVmGenCodeGenUnhandledMagic:
      magic*: TMagic

  of adVmGenCannotImportc, adVmGenTooLargeOffset, adVmGenCannotCallMethod:
      sym*: PSym

  of adVmGenCannotCast:
      actualType*: PType
      formalType*: PType

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AstDiagVmGenKind = enum
  adVmGenTooManyRegistersRequired, adVmGenNotUnused,
  adVmGenCannotEvaluateAtComptime, adVmGenMissingImportcCompleteStruct,
  adVmGenCodeGenUnhandledMagic, adVmGenCannotImportc, adVmGenTooLargeOffset,
  adVmGenCannotCallMethod, adVmGenCannotCast
Kinds for errors produced by vmgen   Source   Edit
AstDiagVmKind = enum
  adVmOpcParseExpectedExpression, adVmUserError, adVmUnhandledException,
  adVmCannotCast, adVmCannotModifyTypechecked, adVmNilAccess,
  adVmAccessOutOfBounds, adVmAccessTypeMismatch, adVmAccessNoLocation,
  adVmErrInternal, adVmIndexError, adVmOutOfRange, adVmOverOrUnderflow,
  adVmDivisionByConstZero, adVmArgNodeNotASymbol, adVmNodeNotASymbol,
  adVmNodeNotAProcSymbol, adVmIllegalConv, adVmIllegalConvFromXToY,
  adVmMissingCacheKey, adVmCacheKeyAlreadyExists, adVmFieldNotFound,
  adVmNotAField, adVmFieldUnavailable, adVmCannotCreateNode, adVmCannotSetChild,
  adVmCannotAddChild, adVmCannotGetChild, adVmNoType, adVmTooManyIterations
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AstDiagVmTrace = object
  currentExceptionA*, currentExceptionB*: PNode
  stacktrace*: seq[tuple[sym: PSym, location: TLineInfo]]
  skipped*: int
  location*: TLineInfo       ## Source location of the trace
  instLoc*: InstantiationInfo ## report instantiation location
Nearly identical to vmdef.VmStackTrace
TODO: refactor out once vm no longer depends upon compiler types such
as PNode, PSym, etc, and the ast is more data oriented
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CompilesId = int
id that is used for the caching logic within system.compiles. See the seminst module.   Source   Edit
EffectsCompat = enum
  efCompat, efRaisesDiffer, efRaisesUnknown, efTagsDiffer, efTagsUnknown,
  efLockLevelsDiffer, efEffectsDelayed
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ExternalFlag = enum
  exfFullExternalName, ## only used when 'conf.cmd == cmdNimfix': Indicates
                        ## that the symbol has been imported via 'importc: "fullname"' and
                        ## no format string.
  exfNoDecl,                ## do not declare it in C
  exfDynamicLib,            ## link symbol to dynamic library
  exfExportLib,             ## export symbol for dynamic library generation
  exfHeader,                ## include header file for symbol
  exfImportCompilerProc      ## ``importc`` of a compilerproc
Flags that describe a symbol's external interface.   Source   Edit
ItemId = object
  module*: int32
  item*: int32
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LibId = object
  module*: int32             ## the ID of the module the lib object is part
  index*: uint32             ## 1-based index. Zero means 'none'
Identifies a TLib instance. The default value means 'none'.   Source   Edit
MismatchInfo = object
  kind*: MismatchKind        ## Reason for mismatch
  pos*: int ## Position of provided argument that mismatches. This
            ##   doesn't always correspond to the *expression*
            ##   subnode index (e.g. `.=`) nor the
            ##   *target parameter* index (varargs)
  arg*: PNode                ## Node of the mismatching provided argument
  formal*: PSym ## Parameter that the provided argument did not match,
                ##   due to varargs its position may differ from `arg`
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MismatchKind = enum
  kUnknown, kGenericTypeMismatch, ## Generic parameter type mismatch
  kNotGeneric,              ## Generic routine expected
  kAlreadyGiven,            ## Named argument already given
  kUnknownNamedParam,       ## No such named parameter
  kTypeMismatch,            ## Parameter type mismatch
  kVarNeeded,               ## Parameter should be mutable
  kMissingParam,            ## Missing procedure parameter
  kExtraArg,                ## Too many arguments for a procedure call
  kPositionalAlreadyGiven    ## Positional parameter has already been givend
                             ## as a named parameter
Procedure call argument mismatch reason   Source   Edit
NodeId = distinct int32
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PAstDiag = ref TAstDiag
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PIdObj = ref TIdObj
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PNode = ref TNode
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ProcConvMismatch = enum
  pcmNoSideEffect, pcmNotGcSafe, pcmLockDifference, pcmNotIterator,
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PScope = ref TScope
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PSym = ref TSym
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PType = ref TType
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SemCallMismatch = object
  target*: PSym              ## Procedure tried for overload resolution
  firstMismatch*: MismatchInfo ## mismatch info for better error messages
  diag*: SemDiagnostics
  diagnosticsEnabled*: bool  ## Set by `sfExplain`. ignored by `efExplain`
                             ## and `notFoundError`
Description of the single candidate mismatch. This type is later used to construct meaningful type mismatch message, and must contain all the necessary information to provide meaningful sorting, collapse and other operations.   Source   Edit
SemDiagnostics = object
  diagnosticsTarget*: PSym   ## The concept sym that didn't match
  tempDiagFailCount*: int    ## number of diagnostic failures, temporary until
                             ##   `SemReport` is removed
  diags*: seq[PAstDiag]      ## Diagnostics explaining why the concept didn't
                             ## match
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SemSpellCandidate = object
  dist*: int
  depth*: int
  sym*: PSym
  isLocal*: bool
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SemTypeMismatch = object
  formalTypeKind*: set[TTypeKind]
  actualType*, formalType*: PType
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TAstDiag {.acyclic.} = object
  diagId*: NodeId            ## set once based on first error node this diag
                             ## was attached to
  wrongNode*: PNode
  instLoc*: InstantiationInfo
  location*: TLineInfo
  case kind*: AstDiagKind
  of adWrappedError, adWrappedSymError:

  of adSemTypeMismatch, adSemIllegalConversion, adSemCannotCastTypes:
      typeMismatch*: seq[SemTypeMismatch]

  of adSemConflictingExportnims:
      conflict*: PSym

  of adSemAmbiguousIdentWithCandidates:
      candidateSyms*: seq[PSym]

  of adSemTypeNotAllowed:
      allowedType*: tuple[allowed: PType, actual: PType, kind: TSymKind,
                          allowedFlags: TTypeAllowedFlags]

  of adSemAmbiguousIdent, adSemExpectedIdentifier,
     adSemModuleAliasMustBeIdentifier, adSemInvalidPragma,
     adSemStringLiteralExpected, adSemIntLiteralExpected, adSemOnOrOffExpected,
     adSemCallconvExpected, adSemUnknownExperimental, adSemPragmaOptionExpected,
     adSemUnexpectedPushArgument, adSemMismatchedPopPush,
     adSemExcessiveCompilePragmaArgs, adSemEmptyAsm,
     adSemLinePragmaExpectsTuple, adSemLocksPragmaExpectsList,
     adSemLocksPragmaBadLevelRange, adSemLocksPragmaBadLevelString,
     adSemBorrowPragmaNonDot, adSemMisplacedEffectsOf, adSemMissingPragmaArg,
     adSemCannotPushCast, adSemCastRequiresStatement, adSemImportjsRequiresJs,
     adSemBitsizeRequires1248, adSemAlignRequiresPowerOfTwo,
     adSemNoReturnHasReturn, adSemMisplacedDeprecation, adSemFatalError,
     adSemNoUnionForJs, adSemBitsizeRequiresPositive,
     adSemExperimentalRequiresToplevel, adSemPragmaDynlibRequiresExportc,
     adSemWrongNumberOfArguments, adVmDerefNilAccess,
     adVmDerefAccessOutOfBounds, adVmDerefAccessTypeMismatch,
     adSemRawTypeMismatch, adSemExpressionCannotBeCalled,
     adSemCallInCompilesContextNotAProcOrField, adSemExpressionHasNoType,
     adSemTypeExpected, adSemStringRangeNotAllowed, adSemRangeIsEmpty,
     adSemIllformedAst, adSemIllformedAstExpectedPragmaOrIdent,
     adSemInvalidExpression, adSemExpectedNonemptyPattern,
     adSemPragmaDisallowedForTupleUnpacking, adSemIllegalCompileTime,
     adSemThreadvarCannotInit, adSemLetNeedsInit, adSemConstExpressionExpected,
     adSemSelectorMustBeOfCertainTypes, adSemInvalidPragmaBlock,
     adSemConceptPredicateFailed, adSemDotOperatorsNotEnabled,
     adSemCallOperatorsNotEnabled, adSemUnexpectedPattern, adSemCannotBeRaised,
     adSemCannotRaiseNonException, adSemIsOperatorTakes2Args,
     adSemNoTupleTypeForConstructor, adSemInvalidOrderInArrayConstructor,
     adSemStackEscape, adSemVarForOutParamNeeded, adSemExprHasNoAddress,
     adSemConstExprExpected, adSemExpectedObjectForOf, adSemCannotBeOfSubtype,
     adSemDisallowedNilDeref, adSemCannotDeref, adSemCannotReturnTypeless,
     adSemExpectedValueForYield, adSemNamedExprExpected,
     adSemDisallowedTypedescForTupleField, adSemNamedExprNotAllowed,
     adSemNoReturnTypeDeclared, adSemReturnNotAllowed,
     adSemFieldAssignmentInvalid, adSemExpectedObjectType, adSemFoldOverflow,
     adSemFoldDivByZero, adSemFoldCannotComputeOffset,
     adSemExpectedIdentifierQuoteLimit, adSemExpectedRangeType,
     adSemExpectedLabel, adSemContinueCannotHaveLabel, adSemUnavailableLocation,
     adSemForExpectedIterator, adSemExternalLocalNotAllowed:

  of adSemExpectedIdentifierInExpr:
      notIdent*: PNode

  of adSemUseOrDiscardExpr:
      undiscarded*: PNode

  of adSemExpectedIdentifierWithExprContext:
      expr*: PNode

  of adSemUndeclaredIdentifier:
      name*: string
      spellingCandidates*: seq[SemSpellCandidate]
      recursiveDeps*: seq[tuple[importer, importee: FileIndex]]

  of adSemOnlyDeclaredIdentifierFoundIsError:
      identName*: string
      err*: PNode

  of adSemCannotImportItself:
      selfModule*: PSym

  of adSemIllegalCustomPragma:
      customPragma*: PSym

  of adSemWrongIdent:
      allowedIdents*: seq[string]

  of adSemAsmEmitExpectsStringLiteral:
      unexpectedKind*: TNodeKind

  of adSemRaisesPragmaExpectsObject, adSemTIsNotAConcreteType,
     adSemCannotInferTypeOfLiteral, adSemProcHasNoConcreteType,
     adSemCannotCastToNonConcrete, adSemCannotAssignTo:
      wrongType*: PType

  of adSemInvalidExtern:
      compProcToBe*: PSym
      externName*: string

  of adSemPragmaRecursiveDependency:
      userPragma*: PSym

  of adSemCustomUserError:
      errmsg*: string

  of adSemImplicitPragmaError:
      implicitPragma*: PSym

  of adSemIncompatibleDefaultExpr:
      formal*: PSym

  of adVmUnsupportedNonNil:
      unsupported*: PType

  of adSemCallTypeMismatch:
      callSpellingCandidates*: seq[SemSpellCandidate]
      callMismatches*: seq[SemCallMismatch]

  of adCyclicTree:
      cyclic*: PNode

  of adVmGenError:
      vmGenErr*: AstDiagVmGenError
      case duringJit*: bool
      of true:
          vmGenTrace*: AstDiagVmTrace

      of false:

  of adVmError:
      vmErr*: AstDiagVmError
      vmTrace*: AstDiagVmTrace

  of adVmQuit:
      vmExitCode*: int
      vmExitTrace*: AstDiagVmTrace

  of adSemCallNotAProcOrField, adSemImplicitDotCallNotAProcOrField:
      notProcOrField*: PNode ## `DotCall` variant uses `n[1].typ`
      unexpectedCandidates*: seq[PSym]
      spellingAlts*: seq[SemSpellCandidate]

  of adSemUndeclaredField:
      givenSym*: PSym
      symTyp*: PType

  of adSemCannotInstantiate:
      callLineInfo*: TLineInfo

  of adSemWrongNumberOfGenericParams:
      countMismatch*: tuple[expected, got: int]
      gnrcCallLineInfo*: TLineInfo

  of adSemCalleeHasAnError:
      callee*: PSym

  of adSemIllformedAstExpectedOneOf:
      expectedKinds*: TNodeKinds

  of adSemImplementationExpected:
      routineSym*: PSym
      routineDefStartPos*: TLineInfo

  of adSemImplementationNotAllowed:
      symWithImpl*: PSym

  of adSemCannotConvertToRange:
      floatVal*: BiggestFloat
      convTyp*: PType

  of adSemProveInit:
      unproven*: PSym

  of adSemDifferentTypeForReintroducedSymbol:
      reintrod*: PSym
      foundTyp*: PType

  of adSemTypeKindMismatch:
      expectedTypKinds*: set[TTypeKind]
      givenTyp*: PType

  of adSemWrongNumberOfVariables:
      varsExpected*: int
      varsGiven*: int

  of adSemConstantOfTypeHasNoValue:
      constSym*: PSym

  of adSemTypeConversionArgumentMismatch:
      convArgsRecvd*: int

  of adSemUnexpectedEqInObjectConstructor:
      eqInfo*: TLineInfo

  of adSemCannotBeConvertedTo:
      inputVal*: PNode
      targetTyp*: PType

  of adSemMagicExpectTypeOrValue:
      magic*: TMagic

  of adSemLowHighInvalidArgument:
      invalidTyp*: PType
      highLow*: TMagic

  of adSemUnknownIdentifier, adSemStaticFieldNotFound:
      unknownSym*: PSym

  of adSemInvalidTupleConstructorKey:
      invalidKey*: PNode

  of adSemExpectedOrdinalArrayIdx:
      nonOrdInput*: PNode
      indexExpr*: PNode

  of adSemIndexOutOfBounds:
      outOfBoundsIdx*: int
      ordRange*: PType

  of adSemExpectedOrdinal:
      nonOrdTyp*: PType

  of adSemInvalidTupleSubscript:
      tupleIndex*: int
      tupleLen*: int

  of adSemRecursiveDependencyIterator:
      recurrCallee*: PSym

  of adSemCallIndirectTypeMismatch:
      indirCallTyp*: PType

  of adSemSystemNeeds:
      sysIdent*: string

  of adSemLocalEscapesStackFrame:
      escCtx*: PSym

  of adSemImplicitAddrIsNotFirstParam:
      exprRoot*: PSym

  of adSemYieldExpectedTupleConstr:
      tupleTyp*: PType

  of adSemFieldInitTwice:
      dupFld*: PIdent

  of adSemCannotMixTypesAndValuesInTuple:
      wrongFldInfo*: TLineInfo

  of adSemFieldNotAccessible:
      inaccessible*: PSym

  of adSemObjectRequiresFieldInit, adSemObjectRequiresFieldInitNoDefault:
      missing*: seq[PSym]
      objTyp*: PType

  of adSemObjectDoesNotHaveDefaultValue, adSemDistinctDoesNotHaveDefaultValue:
      typWithoutDefault*: PType

  of adSemExpectedObjectOfType:
      expectedObjTyp*: PType

  of adSemFoldRangeCheckForLiteralConversionFailed:
      inputLit*: PNode

  of adSemIndexOutOfBoundsStatic:
      staticCollection*: PNode
      staticIndex*: PNode

  of adSemInvalidIntDefine, adSemInvalidBoolDefine:
      invalidDef*: string

  of adSemCompilerOptionInvalid, adSemDeprecatedCompilerOpt:
      badCompilerOpt*: PNode

  of adSemDeprecatedCompilerOptArg:
      compilerOpt*: PNode
      compilerOptArg*: PNode

  of adSemCompilerOptionArgInvalid:
      forCompilerOpt*: PNode
      badCompilerOptArg*: PNode

  of adSemDefNameSym:
      defNameSym*: PSym
      defNameSymData*: AdSemDefNameSym

  of adSemInvalidControlFlow:
      label*: PSym

A diagnostic must never store a tree that references the diagnostic itself.   Source   Edit
TCallingConvention = enum
  ccNimCall = "nimcall",    ## nimcall, also the default
  ccStdCall = "stdcall",    ## procedure is stdcall
  ccCDecl = "cdecl",        ## cdecl
  ccSafeCall = "safecall",  ## safecall
  ccSysCall = "syscall",    ## system call
  ccInline = "inline",      ## proc should be inlined
  ccNoInline = "noinline",  ## proc should not be inlined
  ccFastCall = "fastcall",  ## fastcall (pass parameters in registers)
  ccClosure = "closure",    ## proc has a closure
  ccNoConvention = "noconv"  ## needed for generating proper C procs sometimes
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TExprFlag = enum
  efLValue, efWantIterator, efInTypeof, efWantStmt, efAllowStmt, efExplain,
  efWantValue, efOperand, efNoSemCheck, efNoEvaluateGeneric, efInCall,
  efFromHlo, efNoSem2Check, efNoUndeclared ## Use this if undeclared identifiers should not raise an error during
                                           ## overload resolution.
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TExprFlags = set[TExprFlag]
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TIdNodePair = object
  key*: PIdObj
  val*: PNode
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TIdNodeTable = object
  counter*: int
  data*: TIdNodePairSeq
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TIdObj = object of RootObj
  itemId*: ItemId
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TIdPair = object
  key*: PIdObj
  val*: RootRef
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TIdPairSeq = seq[TIdPair]
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TIdTable = object
  counter*: int
  data*: TIdPairSeq
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TImplication = enum
  impUnknown, impNo, impYes
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TInstantiation = object
  sym*: PSym
  concreteTypes*: seq[PType]
  compilesId*: CompilesId
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TLib = object
  kind*: TLibKind
  isOverriden*: bool
  name*: PSym
  path*: PNode               ## can be a string literal!
also misused for headers! keep in sync with PackedLib   Source   Edit
TLibKind = enum
  libHeader, libDynamic
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TLockLevel = distinct int16
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TMagic = enum
  mNone, mDefined, mDeclared, mDeclaredInScope, mCompiles, mArrGet, mArrPut,
  mAsgn, mLow, mHigh, mSizeOf, mAlignOf, mOffsetOf, mTypeTrait, mIs, mOf, mAddr,
  mType, mTypeOf, mPlugin, mEcho, mShallowCopy, mStatic, mParseExprToAst,
  mParseStmtToAst, mExpandToAst, mQuoteAst, mInc, mDec, mOrd, mNew, mNewSeq,
  mNewSeqOfCap, mLengthOpenArray, mLengthStr, mLengthArray, mLengthSeq, mIncl,
  mExcl, mCard, mChr, mGCref, mGCunref, mAddI, mSubI, mMulI, mDivI, mModI,
  mSucc, mPred, mAddF64, mSubF64, mMulF64, mDivF64, mShrI, mShlI, mAshrI,
  mBitandI, mBitorI, mBitxorI, mMinI, mMaxI, mAddU, mSubU, mMulU, mDivU, mModU,
  mEqI, mLeI, mLtI, mEqF64, mLeF64, mLtF64, mLeU, mLtU, mEqEnum, mLeEnum,
  mLtEnum, mEqCh, mLeCh, mLtCh, mEqB, mLeB, mLtB, mEqRef, mLePtr, mLtPtr, mXor,
  mEqCString, mEqProc, mUnaryMinusI, mUnaryMinusI64, mAbsI, mNot, mUnaryPlusI,
  mBitnotI, mUnaryPlusF64, mUnaryMinusF64, mCharToStr, mBoolToStr, mIntToStr,
  mInt64ToStr, mFloatToStr, mCStrToStr, mStrToStr, mEnumToStr, mAnd, mOr,
  mEqStr, mLeStr, mLtStr, mEqSet, mLeSet, mLtSet, mMulSet, mPlusSet, mMinusSet,
  mConStrStr, mSlice, mDotDot, mFields, mFieldPairs, mAppendStrCh,
  mAppendStrStr, mAppendSeqElem, mInSet, mRepr, mExit, mSetLengthStr,
  mSetLengthSeq, mIsPartOf, mAstToStr, mSwap, mIsNil, mArrToSeq, mNewString,
  mNewStringOfCap, mParseBiggestFloat, mMove, mWasMoved, mDestroy, mTrace,
  mDefault, mFinished, mIsolate, mAccessEnv, mAccessTypeField, mReset, mArray,
  mOpenArray, mRange, mSet, mSeq, mVarargs, mRef, mPtr, mVar, mDistinct, mVoid,
  mTuple, mOrdinal, mInt, mInt8, mInt16, mInt32, mInt64, mUInt, mUInt8, mUInt16,
  mUInt32, mUInt64, mFloat, mFloat32, mFloat64, mBool, mChar, mString, mCstring,
  mPointer, mNil, mExpr, mStmt, mTypeDesc, mVoidType, mPNimrodNode, mDeepCopy,
  mIsMainModule, mCompileDate, mCompileTime, mProcCall, mCpuEndian, mHostOS,
  mHostCPU, mBuildOS, mBuildCPU, mAppType, mCompileOption, mCompileOptionArg,
  mNLen, mNChild, mNSetChild, mNAdd, mNAddMultiple, mNDel, mNKind, mNSymKind,
  mNccValue, mNccInc, mNcsAdd, mNcsIncl, mNcsLen, mNcsAt, mNctPut, mNctLen,
  mNctGet, mNctHasNext, mNctNext, mNIntVal, mNFloatVal, mNGetType, mNStrVal,
  mNSetIntVal, mNSetFloatVal, mNSetStrVal, mNLineInfo, mNNewNimNode,
  mNCopyNimNode, mNCopyNimTree, mStrToIdent, mNSigHash, mNSizeOf, mNBindSym,
  mNCallSite, mEqIdent, mEqNimrodNode, mSameNodeType, mGetImpl, mNGenSym,
  mNHint, mNWarning, mNError, mInstantiationInfo, mGetTypeInfo, mGetTypeInfoV2,
  mNimvm, mIntDefine, mStrDefine, mBoolDefine, mRunnableExamples, mException,
  mBuiltinType, mSymOwner, mUncheckedArray, mGetImplTransf,
  mSymIsInstantiationOf, mNodeId, mPrivateAccess, mStrToCStr, ## the backend-dependent string-to-cstring conversion
  mAsgnDynlibVar, mChckRange, ## chckRange(v, lower, upper); conversion + range check -- returns
                               ## either the type-converted value or raises a defect
  mChckNaN, ## chckNaN(v); raise an error when the float value `v` is a quiet NaN.
             ## Behaviour with signaling NaNs is undefined.
  mChckIndex, ## chckIndex(arr, idx); raise an error when `idx` is not within `arr`'s
               ## bounds
  mChckBounds, ## chckBounds(arr, lo, hi); raise an error when `lo` and/or `hi` is not
                ## within `arr`'s bounds
  mChckField, ## chckField(valid, val, inverted, msg); raises an error when `val` is
               ## not part of `valid`. `inverted` tells whether to invert the check
               ## and `msg` is the error message
  mChckObj, ## chckObj(ptr_like, type); raises a conversion error when the dynamic
             ## type of the object pointed to by `ptr_like` is unrelated to or a
             ## super type of `type`
  mSamePayload,             ## returns whether both seq/string operands share the same payload
  mCopyInternal ## copyInternal(a, b); copies backend-specific internal data stored
                ## on non-pure objects from a to b
symbols that require compiler magic:   Source   Edit
TNode {.final.} = object
  typ*: PType
  id*: NodeId
  info*: TLineInfo
  flags*: TNodeFlags
  case kind*: TNodeKind
  of nkIntLiterals:
      intVal*: BiggestInt
      intLitBase*: NumericalBase

  of nkFloatLiterals:
      floatVal*: BiggestFloat
      floatLitBase*: NumericalBase

  of nkStrLiterals:
      strVal*: string

  of nkSym:
      sym*: PSym

  of nkIdent:
      ident*: PIdent

  of nkEmpty, nkType, nkNilLit, nkCommentStmt:

  of nkError:
      diag*: PAstDiag

  of nkWithSons:
      sons*: TNodeSeq

  Source   Edit
TNodeFlag = enum
  nfAllConst, ## used to mark complex expressions constant; easy to get rid of
               ## but unfortunately it has measurable impact for compilation
               ## efficiency
  nfTransf,                 ## node has been transformed
  nfNoRewrite,              ## node should not be transformed anymore
  nfSem,                    ## node has been checked for semantics
  nfLL,                     ## node has gone through lambda lifting
  nfDotField,               ## the call can use a dot operator
  nfDotSetter,              ## the call can use a setter dot operarator
  nfExplicitCall,           ## `x.y()` was used instead of x.y
  nfFromTemplate,           ## a top-level node returned from a template
  nfDefaultParam,           ## an automatically inserted default parameter
  nfDefaultRefsParam,       ## a default param value references another parameter
                             ## the flag is applied to proc default values and to calls
  nfHasComment               ## node has a comment
  Source   Edit
TNodeFlags = set[TNodeFlag]
  Source   Edit
TNodeKind = enum
  nkError,                  ## erroneous AST node see `errorhandling`
  nkEmpty,                  ## the node is empty
  nkIdent,                  ## node is an identifier
  nkSym,                    ## node is a symbol
  nkType,                   ## node is used for its typ field
  nkCharLit,                ## a character literal ''
  nkIntLit,                 ## an integer literal
  nkInt8Lit, nkInt16Lit, nkInt32Lit, nkInt64Lit, nkUIntLit, ## an unsigned integer literal
  nkUInt8Lit, nkUInt16Lit, nkUInt32Lit, nkUInt64Lit, nkFloatLit, ## a floating point literal
  nkFloat32Lit, nkFloat64Lit, nkStrLit, ## a string literal ""
  nkRStrLit,                ## a raw string literal r""
  nkTripleStrLit,           ## a triple string literal """
  nkNilLit,                 ## the nil literal
                             ## end of atoms
  nkDotCall,                ## used to temporarily flag a nkCall node;
                             ## this is used
                             ## for transforming ``s.len`` to ``len(s)``
  nkCommand,                ## a call like ``p 2, 4`` without parenthesis
  nkCall,                   ## a call like p(x, y) or an operation like +(a, b)
  nkCallStrLit,             ## a call with a string literal
                             ## x"abc" has two sons: nkIdent, nkRStrLit
                             ## x"""abc""" has two sons: nkIdent, nkTripleStrLit
  nkInfix,                  ## a call like (a + b)
  nkPrefix,                 ## a call like !a
  nkPostfix,                ## something like a! (also used for visibility)
  nkHiddenCallConv,         ## an implicit type conversion via a type converter
  nkExprEqExpr,             ## a named parameter with equals: ''expr = expr''
  nkExprColonExpr,          ## a named parameter with colon: ''expr: expr''
  nkIdentDefs,              ## a definition like `a, b: typeDesc = expr`
                             ## either 
                             ## typeDesc or expr may be nil; used in
                             ## formal parameters, var statements, etc.
  nkVarTuple,               ## a ``var (a, b) = expr`` construct
  nkPar,                    ## syntactic (); may be a tuple constructor
  nkObjConstr,              ## object constructor: T(a: 1, b: 2)
  nkCurly,                  ## syntactic {}
  nkCurlyExpr,              ## an expression like a{i}
  nkBracket,                ## syntactic []
  nkBracketExpr,            ## an expression like a[i..j, k]
  nkPragmaExpr,             ## an expression like a{.pragmas.}
  nkRange,                  ## an expression like i..j
  nkDotExpr,                ## a.b
  nkCheckedFieldExpr,       ## a.b, but b is a field that needs to be checked
  nkDerefExpr,              ## a^
  nkIfExpr,                 ## if as an expression
  nkElifExpr, nkElseExpr, nkLambda, ## lambda expression
  nkDo,                     ## lambda block appearing as trailing proc param
  nkAccQuoted,              ## `a` as a node
  nkTableConstr,            ## a table constructor {expr: expr}
  nkBind,                   ## ``bind expr`` node
  nkClosedSymChoice,        ## symbol choice node; a list of nkSyms (closed)
  nkOpenSymChoice,          ## symbol choice node; a list of nkSyms (open)
  nkHiddenStdConv,          ## an implicit standard type conversion
  nkHiddenSubConv,          ## an implicit type conversion from a subtype
                             ## to a supertype
  nkConv,                   ## a type conversion
  nkCast,                   ## a type cast
  nkStaticExpr,             ## a static expr
  nkAddr,                   ## a addr expression
  nkHiddenAddr,             ## implicit address operator
  nkHiddenDeref,            ## implicit ^ operator
  nkObjDownConv,            ## down conversion between object types
  nkObjUpConv,              ## up conversion between object types
  nkChckRangeF,             ## range check for floats
  nkChckRange64,            ## range check for 64 bit ints
  nkChckRange,              ## range check for ints
  nkStringToCString,        ## string to cstring
  nkCStringToString,        ## cstring to string
                             ## end of expressions
  nkAsgn,                   ## a = b
  nkFastAsgn,               ## internal node for a fast ``a = b``
                             ## (no string copy)
  nkGenericParams,          ## generic parameters
  nkFormalParams,           ## formal parameters
  nkOfInherit,              ## inherited from symbol
  nkImportAs,               ## a 'as' b in an import statement
  nkProcDef,                ## a proc
  nkMethodDef,              ## a method
  nkConverterDef,           ## a converter
  nkMacroDef,               ## a macro
  nkTemplateDef,            ## a template
  nkIteratorDef,            ## an iterator
  nkOfBranch,               ## used inside case statements
                             ## for (cond, action)-pairs
  nkElifBranch,             ## used in if statements
  nkExceptBranch,           ## an except section
  nkElse,                   ## an else part
  nkAsmStmt,                ## an assembler block
  nkPragma,                 ## a pragma statement
  nkPragmaBlock,            ## a pragma with a block
  nkIfStmt,                 ## an if statement
  nkWhenStmt,               ## a when expression or statement
  nkForStmt,                ## a for statement
  nkWhileStmt,              ## a while statement
  nkCaseStmt,               ## a case statement
  nkTypeSection,            ## a type section (consists of type definitions)
  nkVarSection,             ## a var section
  nkLetSection,             ## a let section
  nkConstSection,           ## a const section
  nkConstDef,               ## a const definition
  nkTypeDef,                ## a type definition
  nkYieldStmt,              ## the yield statement as a tree
  nkDefer,                  ## the 'defer' statement
  nkTryStmt,                ## a try statement
  nkFinally,                ## a finally section
  nkRaiseStmt,              ## a raise statement
  nkReturnStmt,             ## a return statement
  nkBreakStmt,              ## a break statement
  nkContinueStmt,           ## a continue statement
  nkBlockStmt,              ## a block statement
  nkStaticStmt,             ## a static statement
  nkDiscardStmt,            ## a discard statement
  nkStmtList,               ## a list of statements
  nkImportStmt,             ## an import statement
  nkImportExceptStmt,       ## an import x except a statement
  nkExportStmt,             ## an export statement
  nkExportExceptStmt,       ## an 'export except' statement
  nkFromStmt,               ## a from * import statement
  nkIncludeStmt,            ## an include statement
  nkBindStmt,               ## a bind statement
  nkMixinStmt,              ## a mixin statement
  nkUsingStmt,              ## an using statement
  nkCommentStmt,            ## a comment statement
  nkStmtListExpr,           ## a statement list followed by an expr; this is used
                             ## to allow powerful multi-line templates
  nkBlockExpr,              ## a statement block ending in an expr; this is used
                             ## to allow powerful multi-line templates that open a
                             ## temporary scope
  nkWith,                   ## distinct with `foo`
  nkWithout,                ## distinct without `foo`
  nkTypeOfExpr,             ## type(1+2)
  nkObjectTy,               ## object body
  nkTupleTy,                ## tuple body
  nkTupleClassTy,           ## tuple type class
  nkTypeClassTy,            ## user-defined type class
  nkStaticTy,               ## ``static[T]``
  nkRecList,                ## list of object parts
  nkRecCase,                ## case section of object
  nkRecWhen,                ## when section of object
  nkRefTy,                  ## ``ref T``
  nkPtrTy,                  ## ``ptr T``
  nkVarTy,                  ## ``var T``
  nkConstTy,                ## ``const T``
  nkMutableTy,              ## ``mutable T``
  nkDistinctTy,             ## distinct type
  nkProcTy,                 ## proc type
  nkIteratorTy,             ## iterator type
  nkSharedTy,               ## 'shared T'
                             ## we use 'nkPostFix' for the 'not nil' addition
  nkEnumTy,                 ## enum body
  nkEnumFieldDef,           ## `ident = expr` in an enumeration
  nkArgList,                ## argument list
  nkPattern,                ## a special pattern; used for matching
  nkHiddenTryStmt,          ## a hidden try statement
  nkClosure,                ## (prc, env)-pair (internally used for code gen)
  nkGotoState,              ## used only temporarily during closure iterator
                             ## transformation
  nkFuncDef,                ## a func
  nkTupleConstr,            ## a tuple constructor
  nkNimNodeLit,             ## a ``NimNode`` literal. Stores a single sub node
                             ## that represents the ``NimNode`` AST
  nkModuleRef,              ## for .rod file support: A (moduleId, itemId) pair
  nkReplayAction,           ## for .rod file support: A replay action
  nkNilRodNode               ## for .rod file support: a 'nil' PNode
order is important, because ranges are used to check whether a node belongs to a certain class Expressions: Atoms:   Source   Edit
TNodeKinds = set[TNodeKind]
  Source   Edit
TNodePair = object
  h*: Hash
  key*: PNode
  val*: int
  Source   Edit
TNodeSeq = seq[PNode]
  Source   Edit
TNodeTable = object
  counter*: int
  data*: TNodePairSeq
  Source   Edit
TObjectSeq = seq[RootRef]
  Source   Edit
TObjectSet = object
  counter*: int
  data*: TObjectSeq
  Source   Edit
TPair = object
  key*, val*: RootRef
  Source   Edit
TPairSeq = seq[TPair]
  Source   Edit
TScope {.acyclic.} = object
  depthLevel*: int
  symbols*: TStrTable
  parent*: PScope
  allowPrivateAccess*: seq[PSym]
Scopes form a stack; cycles are not allowed.   Source   Edit
TStrTable = object
  counter*: int
  data*: seq[PSym]
a table[PIdent] of PSym   Source   Edit
TSym = object of TIdObj
  case kind*: TSymKind
  of {skProc, skFunc, skMethod, skIterator, skConverter, skMacro, skTemplate} -
      gcUnsafetyReason*: PSym ## for better error messages regarding gcsafe
  of skMacro:
      internal*: PType ## the internal signature that the macro has in a
                       ## compile-time evaluation context. Can be used to
                       ## query the symbols the parameters use in the macro's
                       ## body
  of skLet, skVar, skField, skForVar:
      guard*: PSym
      bitsize*: int
      alignment*: int

  of skLabel:
      context*: int          ## the ID (i.e., index) of the execution context
                             ## this label is part of
  magic*: TMagic
  typ*: PType
  name*: PIdent
  info*: TLineInfo
  owner*: PSym
  flags*: TSymFlags
  ast*: PNode                ## syntax tree of proc, iterator, etc.:
                             ## the whole proc including header; this is used
                             ## for easy generation of proper error messages
                             ## for variant record fields the discriminant
                             ## expression
                             ## for modules, it's a placeholder for compiler
                             ## generated code that will be appended to the
                             ## module after the sem pass (see appendToModule)
                             ## for skError, starting to migrate this to be the
                             ## nkError node with the necessary error info
  options*: TOptions
  position*: int             ## used for many different things:
                             ## for enum fields its position;
                             ## for fields its offset
                             ## for parameters its position (starting with 0)
                             ## for a conditional:
                             ## 1 iff the symbol is defined, else 0
                             ## (or not in symbol table)
                             ## for modules, an unique index corresponding
                             ## to the module's fileIdx
                             ## for variables a slot index for the evaluator
  offset*: int               ## offset of record field
  extname*: string           ## the external name of the type, or empty if a
                             ## generated name is to be used
  extFlags*: ExternalFlags   ## additional flags that are relevant to code
                             ## generation
  locId*: uint32             ## associates the symbol with a loc in the C code
                             ## generator. 0 means unset.
  annex*: LibId              ## additional fields (seldom used, so we use a
                             ## reference to another object to save space)
  constraint*: PNode         ## additional constraints like 'lit|result'; also
                             ## misused for the codegenDecl pragma in the hope
                             ## it won't cause problems
                             ## for skModule the string literal to output for
                             ## deprecated modules.
  when defined(nimsuggest):
      allUsages*: seq[TLineInfo]

proc and type instantiations are cached in the generic symbol   Source   Edit
TSymFlag = enum
  sfUsed,                   ## read access of sym (for warnings) or simply used
  sfExported,               ## symbol is exported from module
  sfFromGeneric, ## symbol is instantiation of a generic; this is needed
                  ## for symbol file generation; such symbols should always
                  ## be written into the ROD file
  sfGlobal,                 ## symbol is at global scope
  sfForward,                ## symbol is forward declared
  sfWasForwarded,           ## symbol had a forward declaration
                             ## (implies it's too dangerous to patch its type signature)
  sfImportc,                ## symbol is external; imported
  sfExportc,                ## symbol is exported (under a specified name)
  sfVolatile,               ## variable is volatile
  sfRegister,               ## variable should be placed in a register
  sfPure, ## object is "pure" that means it has no type-information
           ## enum is "pure", its values need qualified access
           ## variable is "pure"; it's an explicit "global"
  sfNoSideEffect,           ## proc has no side effects
  sfSideEffect,             ## proc may have side effects; cannot prove it has none
  sfMainModule,             ## module is the main module
  sfSystemModule,           ## module is the system module
  sfNoReturn,               ## proc never returns (an exit proc)
  sfAddrTaken, ## the variable's address is taken (ex- or implicitly);
                ## *OR*: a proc is indirectly called (used as first class)
  sfCompilerProc,           ## proc is a compiler proc, that is a C proc that is
                             ## needed for the code generator
  sfProcvar,                ## proc can be passed to a proc var
  sfDiscriminant,           ## field is a discriminant in a record/object
  sfRequiresInit,           ## field must be initialized during construction
  sfDeprecated,             ## symbol is deprecated
  sfExplain,                ## provide more diagnostics when this symbol is used
  sfError,                  ## usage of symbol should trigger a compile-time error
  sfShadowed,               ## a symbol that was shadowed in some inner scope
  sfThread,                 ## proc will run as a thread
                             ## variable is a thread variable
  sfCompileTime,            ## proc can only be used in compile time contexts;
                             ## global is only accessible in compile time contexts
  sfDispatcher,             ## copied method symbol is the dispatcher
                             ## deprecated and unused, except for the con
  sfBorrow,                 ## proc is borrowed
  sfInfixCall,              ## symbol needs infix call syntax in target language;
                             ## for interfacing with JS
  sfDiscardable,            ## returned value may be discarded implicitly
  sfOverriden,              ## proc is overridden
  sfCallsite,               ## A flag for template symbols to tell the
                             ## compiler it should use line 
                             ## information from
                             ## the calling side of the macro, not from the
                             ## implementation.
  sfGenSym,                 ## symbol is 'gensym'ed; do not add to symbol table
  sfGeneratedOp,            ## proc is a generated '='; do not inject destructors
                             ## in it variable is generated closure environment;
                             ## requires early destruction for --newruntime.
  sfTemplateParam,          ## symbol is a template parameter
  sfCursor,                 ## variable/field is a cursor, see RFC 177 for details
  sfInjectDestructors,      ## whether the proc needs the 'injectdestructors'
                             ## transformation
  sfNeverRaises,            ## proc can never raise an exception, not even
                             ## OverflowDefect or out-of-memory
  sfUsedInFinallyOrExcept,  ## symbol is used inside an 'except' or 'finally'
  sfNoalias,                ## 'noalias' annotation, means C's 'restrict'
  sfEffectsDelayed           ## an 'effectsDelayed' parameter
  Source   Edit
TSymFlags = set[TSymFlag]
  Source   Edit
TSymKind = enum
  skUnknown,                ## unknown symbol: used for parsing assembler blocks
                             ## and first phase symbol lookup in generics
  skConditional,            ## symbol for the preprocessor (may become obsolete)
  skDynLib,                 ## symbol represents a dynamic library; this is used
                             ## internally; it does not exist in Nim code
  skParam,                  ## a parameter
  skGenericParam,           ## a generic parameter; eq in ``proc x[eq=`==`]()``
  skTemp,                   ## a temporary variable (introduced by compiler)
  skModule,                 ## module identifier
  skType,                   ## a type
  skVar,                    ## a variable
  skLet,                    ## a 'let' symbol
  skConst,                  ## a constant
  skResult,                 ## special 'result' variable
  skProc,                   ## a proc
  skFunc,                   ## a func
  skMethod,                 ## a method
  skIterator,               ## an iterator
  skConverter,              ## a type converter
  skMacro,                  ## a macro
  skTemplate,               ## a template; currently also misused for
                             ## user-defined pragmas
  skField,                  ## a field in a record or object
  skEnumField,              ## an identifier in an enum
  skForVar,                 ## a for loop variable
  skLabel,                  ## a label (for block statement)
  skStub,                   ## symbol is a stub and not yet loaded from the ROD
                             ## file (it is loaded on demand, which may
                             ## mean: never)
  skPackage                  ## symbol is a package (used for canonicalization)
the different symbols (start with the prefix sk); order is important for the documentation generator!   Source   Edit
TSymKinds = set[TSymKind]
  Source   Edit
TType = object of TIdObj
  kind*: TTypeKind           ## kind of type
  callConv*: TCallingConvention ## for procs
  flags*: TTypeFlags         ## flags of the type
  sons*: TTypeSeq            ## base types, etc.
  n*: PNode                  ## node for types:
                             ## - range types a nkRange node
                             ## - record types a nkRecord node
                             ## - enum types a list of symbols
                             ## - if kind == tyInt: it is an 'int literal(x)' type
                             ## - procs and tyGenericBody, it's the formal
                             ##   param list
                             ## - concepts, the concept body
                             ## - errors, nkError or nil if legacy
                             ## - else: unused
  owner*: PSym               ## the 'owner' of the type
  sym*: PSym                 ## types have the sym associated with them
                             ## it is used for converting types to strings
  size*: BiggestInt          ## the size of the type in bytes
                             ## -1 means that the size is unkwown
  align*: int16              ## the type's alignment requirements
  paddingAtEnd*: int16
  lockLevel*: TLockLevel     ## lock level as required for deadlock checking
  typeInst*: PType ## for generic instantiations the tyGenericInst that led to this
                   ## type; for tyError the previous type if avaiable
  uniqueId*: ItemId ## due to a design mistake, we need to keep the real ID here as it
                    ## is required by the --incremental:on mode.
types are identical only if they have the same id; there may be multiple copies of a type in memory! Keep in sync with PackedType   Source   Edit
TTypeAllowedFlag = enum
  taField, taHeap, taConcept, taIsOpenArray, taNoUntyped, taIsTemplateOrMacro,
  Source   Edit
TTypeAttachedOp = enum
  attachedDestructor, attachedAsgn, attachedSink, attachedTrace,
as usual, order is important here   Source   Edit
TTypeFlag = enum
  tfVarargs,                ## procedure has C styled varargs
                             ## tyArray type represeting a varargs list
  tfNoSideEffect,           ## procedure type does not allow side effects
  tfFinal,                  ## is the object final?
  tfInheritable,            ## is the object inheritable?
  tfEnumHasHoles,           ## enum cannot be mapped into a range
  tfThread,                 ## proc type is marked as ``thread``; alias for ``gcsafe``
  tfFromGeneric, ## type is an instantiation of a generic; this is needed
                  ## because for instantiations of objects, structural
                  ## type equality has to be used
  tfUnresolved, ## marks unresolved typedesc/static params: e.g.
                 ## proc foo(T: typedesc, list: seq[T]): var T
                 ## proc foo(L: static[int]): array[L, int]
                 ## can be attached to ranges to indicate that the range
                 ## can be attached to generic procs with free standing
                 ## type parameters: e.g. proc foo[T]()
                 ## depends on unresolved static params.
  tfResolved, ## marks a user type class, after it has been bound to a
               ## concrete type (lastSon becomes the concrete type)
  tfRetType, ## marks return types in proc (used to detect type classes
              ## used as return types for return type inference)
  tfByCopy,                 ## pass object/tuple by copy (C backend)
  tfByRef,                  ## pass object/tuple by reference (C backend)
  tfIterator,               ## type is really an iterator, not a tyProc
  tfNotNil,                 ## type cannot be 'nil'
  tfRequiresInit,           ## type constains a "not nil" constraint somewhere or
                             ## a `requiresInit` field, so the default zero init
                             ## is not appropriate
  tfNeedsFullInit,          ## object type marked with {.requiresInit.}
                             ## all fields must be initialized
  tfHasMeta, ## type contains "wildcard" sub-types such as generic params
              ## or other type classes
  tfHasGCedMem,             ## type contains GC'ed memory
  tfPacked, tfHasStatic, tfGenericTypeParam, tfImplicitTypeParam, ## the type parameter was lifted from the routine's
                                                                   ## formal parameters
  tfInferrableStatic, tfConceptMatchedTypeSym, tfExplicit, ## for typedescs, marks types explicitly prefixed with the
                                                            ## `type` operator (e.g. type int)
  tfWildcard, ## consider a proc like foo[T, I](x: Type[T, I])
               ## T and I here can bind to both typedesc and static types
               ## before this is determined, we'll consider them to be a
               ## wildcard type.
  tfHasAsgn,                ## type has overloaded assignment operator
  tfBorrowDot,              ## distinct type borrows '.'
  tfTriggersCompileTime,    ## uses the NimNode type which make the proc
                             ## implicitly '.compiletime'
  tfRefsAnonObj,            ## used for 'ref object' and 'ptr object'
  tfCovariant,              ## covariant generic param mimicking a ptr type
  tfWeakCovariant,          ## covariant generic param mimicking a seq/array type
  tfContravariant,          ## contravariant generic param
  tfCheckedForDestructor,   ## type was checked for having a destructor.
                             ## If it has one, t.destructor is not nil.
  tfAcyclic,                ## object type was annotated as .acyclic
  tfIncompleteStruct,       ## treat this type as if it had sizeof(pointer)
  tfCompleteStruct, ## (for importc types); type is fully specified, allowing to compute
                     ## sizeof, alignof, offsetof at CT
  tfExplicitCallConv, tfIsConstructor, tfEffectSystemWorkaround
keep below 32 for efficiency reasons (now: 43)   Source   Edit
TTypeFlags = set[TTypeFlag]
  Source   Edit
TTypeKind = enum
  tyNone, tyBool, tyChar, tyEmpty, tyAlias, tyNil, tyUntyped, tyTyped,
  tyTypeDesc, tyGenericInvocation, ## ``T[a, b]`` for types to invoke
  tyGenericBody,            ## ``T[a, b, body]`` last parameter is the body
  tyGenericInst, ## ``T[a, b, realInstance]`` instantiated generic type
                  ## realInstance will be a concrete type like tyObject
                  ## unless this is an instance of a generic alias type.
                  ## then realInstance will be the tyGenericInst of the
                  ## completely (recursively) resolved alias.
  tyGenericParam,           ## ``a`` in the above patterns
  tyDistinct, tyEnum, ## enum type. `base` stores the base type (currently always nil) and
                       ## `lastSon` the storage type (also referred to as "underlying type"),
                       ## which is the type used for the in-memory representation
  tyOrdinal,                ## integer types (including enums and boolean)
  tyArray, tyObject, tyTuple, tySet, tyRange, tyPtr, tyRef, tyVar, tySequence,
  tyProc, tyPointer, tyOpenArray, tyString, tyCstring, tyForward, tyInt, tyInt8,
  tyInt16, tyInt32, tyInt64, tyFloat, tyFloat32, tyFloat64, tyUInt, tyUInt8,
  tyUInt16, tyUInt32, tyUInt64, tySink, tyLent, tyVarargs, tyUncheckedArray, ## An array with boundaries [0,+∞]
  tyProxy,                  ## used as errornous type (for idetools)
  tyBuiltInTypeClass,       ## Type such as the catch-all object, tuple, seq, etc
  tyUserTypeClass,          ## the body of a user-defined type class
  tyUserTypeClassInst, ## Instance of a parametric user-defined type class.
                        ## Structured similarly to tyGenericInst.
                        ## tyGenericInst represents concrete types, while
                        ## this is still a "generic param" that will bind types
                        ## and resolves them during sigmatch and instantiation.
  tyCompositeTypeClass, ## Type such as seq[Number]
                         ## Similar to ``tyUserTypeClassInst``, this type will also bind
                         ## types.
                         ## sons[0]: the original expression used by the user.
                         ## sons[1]: the lifted meta-type to match against (at present, this is
                         ##          always a ``tyGenericInvocation``)
  tyInferred, ## In the initial state `base` stores a type class constraining
               ## the types that can be inferred. After a candidate type is
               ## selected, it's stored in `lastSon`. Between `base` and `lastSon`
               ## there may be 0, 2 or more types that were also considered as
               ## possible candidates in the inference process (i.e. lastSon will
               ## be updated to store a type best conforming to all candidates)
  tyAnd, tyOr, tyNot, ## boolean type classes such as `string|int`,`not seq`,
                       ## `Sortable and Enumable`, etc
  tyAnything,               ## a type class matching any type
  tyStatic,                 ## a value known at compile type (the underlying type is .base)
  tyFromExpr, ## This is a type representing an expression that depends
               ## on generic parameters (the expression is stored in t.n)
               ## It will be converted to a real type only during generic
               ## instantiation and prior to this it has the potential to
               ## be any type.
  tyVoid                     ## void type, lack of a value or unit
  Source   Edit
TTypeKinds = set[TTypeKind]
  Source   Edit
TTypeRelation = enum
  isNone, isConvertible, isIntConv, isSubtype, isSubrange, ## subrange of the wanted type; no type conversion
                                                            ## but apart from that counts as ``isSubtype``
  isBothMetaConvertible,    ## a generic procedure with an 'auto' return type
                             ## that otherwise matched; it needs to be
                             ## instantiated first
  isInferred,               ## generic proc was matched against a concrete type
  isInferredConvertible,    ## same as above, but requiring proc CC conversion
  isGeneric, isFromIntLit,  ## conversion *from* int literal; proven safe
order is important!   Source   Edit
TTypeSeq = seq[PType]
  Source   Edit


abstractInst = {tyGenericInst, tyDistinct, tyOrdinal, tyTypeDesc, tyAlias,
                tyInferred, tySink}
  Source   Edit
abstractPtrs = {tyAlias, tyTypeDesc, tyGenericInst, tyDistinct, tyOrdinal,
                tyPtr..tyVar, tySink..tyLent, tyInferred}
  Source   Edit
abstractRange = {tyAlias, tyTypeDesc, tyGenericInst, tyDistinct, tyOrdinal,
                 tyRange, tySink, tyInferred}
  Source   Edit
abstractVar = {tyAlias, tyTypeDesc, tyGenericInst, tyDistinct, tyOrdinal, tyVar,
               tySink..tyLent, tyInferred}
  Source   Edit
abstractVarRange = {tyAlias, tyTypeDesc, tyGenericInst, tyDistinct, tyOrdinal,
                    tyRange, tyVar, tySink, tyInferred}
  Source   Edit
ctfeWhitelist = {mNone, mSucc, mPred, mInc, mDec, mOrd, mLengthOpenArray,
                 mLengthStr, mLengthArray, mLengthSeq, mArrGet, mArrPut, mAsgn,
                 mDestroy, mIncl, mExcl, mCard, mChr, mAddI, mSubI, mMulI,
                 mDivI, mModI, mAddF64, mSubF64, mMulF64, mDivF64, mShrI, mShlI,
                 mBitandI, mBitorI, mBitxorI, mMinI, mMaxI, mAddU, mSubU, mMulU,
                 mDivU, mModU, mEqI, mLeI, mLtI, mEqF64, mLeF64, mLtF64, mLeU,
                 mLtU, mEqEnum, mLeEnum, mLtEnum, mEqCh, mLeCh, mLtCh, mEqB,
                 mLeB, mLtB, mEqRef, mEqProc, mLePtr, mLtPtr, mEqCString, mXor,
                 mUnaryMinusI, mUnaryMinusI64, mAbsI, mNot, mUnaryPlusI,
                 mBitnotI, mUnaryPlusF64, mUnaryMinusF64, mCharToStr,
                 mBoolToStr, mIntToStr, mInt64ToStr, mFloatToStr, mCStrToStr,
                 mStrToStr, mEnumToStr, mAnd, mOr, mEqStr, mLeStr, mLtStr,
                 mEqSet, mLeSet, mLtSet, mMulSet, mPlusSet, mMinusSet,
                 mConStrStr, mAppendStrCh, mAppendStrStr, mAppendSeqElem,
                 mInSet, mRepr}
  Source   Edit
effectListLen = 3
list of effects list   Source   Edit
eqTypeFlags = {tfIterator, tfNotNil, tfThread, tfNoSideEffect}
type flags that are essential for type equality.   Source   Edit
exceptionEffects = 0
exceptions at position 0   Source   Edit
ExportableSymKinds = {skType..skConst, skProc..skTemplate, skEnumField, skStub}
  Source   Edit
GcTypeKinds = {tyRef, tySequence, tyString}
  Source   Edit
invalidNodeId = 0'i32
  Source   Edit
maxInstantiation = 100
maximum number of nested generic instantiations or macro pragma expansions   Source   Edit
nkEffectList = nkArgList
  Source   Edit
nkFloatLiterals = {nkFloatLit..nkFloat64Lit}
  Source   Edit
nkIntLiterals = {nkCharLit..nkUInt64Lit}
  Source   Edit
nkLastBlockStmts = {nkRaiseStmt, nkReturnStmt, nkBreakStmt, nkContinueStmt}
these must be last statements in a block   Source   Edit
nkLiterals = {nkCharLit..nkNilLit}
  Source   Edit
nkSIntLiterals = {nkIntLit..nkInt64Lit}
Signed int literals   Source   Edit
nkStrLiterals = {nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit}
  Source   Edit
nkUIntLiterals = {nkCharLit, nkUIntLit..nkUInt64Lit}
Unsigned int literals   Source   Edit
nkVariableSections = {nkLetSection, nkVarSection}
  Source   Edit
nkWhen = nkWhenStmt
  Source   Edit
nkWhenExpr = nkWhenStmt
  Source   Edit
nkWithoutSons = {nkError..nkNilLit, nkCommentStmt}
  Source   Edit
nkWithSons = {nkDotCall..nkUsingStmt, nkStmtListExpr..nkNilRodNode}
  Source   Edit
nodeKindsProducedByParse = {nkError, nkEmpty, nkIdent, nkCharLit, nkIntLit,
                            nkInt8Lit, nkInt16Lit, nkInt32Lit, nkInt64Lit,
                            nkUIntLit, nkUInt8Lit, nkUInt16Lit, nkUInt32Lit,
                            nkUInt64Lit, nkFloatLit, nkFloat32Lit, nkFloat64Lit,
                            nkFloat64Lit, nkStrLit, nkRStrLit, nkTripleStrLit,
                            nkNilLit, nkCall, nkCommand, nkCallStrLit, nkInfix,
                            nkPrefix, nkPostfix, nkExprEqExpr, nkExprColonExpr,
                            nkIdentDefs, nkConstDef, nkVarTuple, nkPar,
                            nkBracket, nkCurly, nkTupleConstr, nkObjConstr,
                            nkTableConstr, nkBracketExpr, nkCurlyExpr,
                            nkPragmaExpr, nkPragma, nkPragmaBlock, nkDotExpr,
                            nkAccQuoted, nkIfExpr, nkIfStmt, nkElifBranch,
                            nkElifExpr, nkElse, nkElseExpr, nkCaseStmt,
                            nkOfBranch, nkWhenStmt, nkForStmt, nkWhileStmt,
                            nkBlockExpr, nkBlockStmt, nkDiscardStmt,
                            nkContinueStmt, nkBreakStmt, nkReturnStmt,
                            nkRaiseStmt, nkYieldStmt, nkTryStmt, nkExceptBranch,
                            nkFinally, nkDefer, nkLambda, nkDo, nkBind,
                            nkBindStmt, nkMixinStmt, nkCast, nkStaticStmt,
                            nkAsgn, nkGenericParams, nkFormalParams, nkStmtList,
                            nkStmtListExpr, nkImportStmt, nkImportExceptStmt,
                            nkFromStmt, nkIncludeStmt, nkExportStmt,
                            nkExportExceptStmt, nkConstSection, nkLetSection,
                            nkVarSection, nkProcDef, nkFuncDef, nkMethodDef,
                            nkConverterDef, nkIteratorDef, nkMacroDef,
                            nkTemplateDef, nkTypeSection, nkTypeDef, nkEnumTy,
                            nkEnumFieldDef, nkObjectTy, nkTupleTy, nkProcTy,
                            nkIteratorTy, nkRecList, nkRecCase, nkRecWhen,
                            nkTypeOfExpr, nkRefTy, nkVarTy, nkPtrTy, nkStaticTy,
                            nkDistinctTy, nkMutableTy, nkTupleClassTy,
                            nkTypeClassTy, nkOfInherit, nkArgList, nkWith,
                            nkWithout, nkAsmStmt, nkCommentStmt, nkUsingStmt}
  Source   Edit
pragmasEffects = 2
not an effect, but a slot for pragmas in proc type   Source   Edit
routineKinds = {skProc, skFunc, skMethod, skIterator, skConverter, skMacro,
  Source   Edit
sfAllUntyped = sfVolatile
macro or template is immediately expanded in a generic context   Source   Edit
sfAnon = sfDiscardable
symbol name that was generated by the compiler the compiler will avoid printing such names in user messages.   Source   Edit
sfBase = sfDiscriminant
  Source   Edit
sfCustomPragma = sfRegister
symbol is custom pragma template   Source   Edit
sfDirty = sfPure
template is not hygienic (old styled template) module, compiled from a dirty-buffer   Source   Edit
sfEscapes = sfProcvar
param escapes   Source   Edit
sfExperimental = sfOverriden
module uses the .experimental switch   Source   Edit
sfNoForward = sfRegister
forward declarations are not required (per module)   Source   Edit
sfNoInit = sfMainModule
don't generate code to init the variable   Source   Edit
sfWrittenTo = sfBorrow
param is assigned to   Source   Edit
skError = skUnknown
  Source   Edit
skipForHooks = {tyAlias, tyGenericInst, tyOrdinal, tySink,
                tyUserTypeClass..tyUserTypeClassInst, tyInferred}
the types to skip in order to reach the type that instantiated type-bound operations are attached to. User type-classes are also unconditionally included in this set   Source   Edit
skipPtrs = {tyVar, tyPtr, tyRef, tyGenericInst, tyTypeDesc, tyAlias, tyInferred,
            tySink, tyLent}
  Source   Edit
tagEffects = 1
user defined tag ('gc', 'time' etc.)   Source   Edit
tfGcSafe = tfThread
  Source   Edit
tfObjHasKids = tfEnumHasHoles
  Source   Edit
tfReturnsNew = tfInheritable
  Source   Edit
tfUnion = tfNoSideEffect
  Source   Edit
tyBuiltInTypeClasses = {tyDistinct, tyEnum, tyOrdinal, tyArray, tyObject,
                        tyTuple, tySet, tyRange, tyPtr, tyRef, tyVar,
                        tySequence, tyProc, tyOpenArray, tyLent, tyVarargs,
the type kinds that may appear as the child of a tyBuiltInTypeClass   Source   Edit
tyError = tyProxy
as an errornous node should match everything   Source   Edit
tyMetaTypes = {tyUntyped, tyTypeDesc, tyGenericParam,
               tyBuiltInTypeClass..tyCompositeTypeClass, tyAnd..tyAnything}
  Source   Edit
typedescInst = {tyAlias, tyTypeDesc, tyGenericInst, tyDistinct, tyOrdinal,
                tySink, tyUserTypeClass, tyInferred}
  Source   Edit
typedescPtrs = {tyAlias, tyTypeDesc, tyGenericInst, tyDistinct, tyOrdinal,
                tyPtr..tyVar, tySink..tyLent, tyInferred}
  Source   Edit
tyPureObject = tyTuple
  Source   Edit
tyTypeClasses = {tyBuiltInTypeClass, tyCompositeTypeClass, tyUserTypeClass,
                 tyUserTypeClassInst, tyAnd, tyOr, tyNot, tyAnything}
  Source   Edit
tyUnknown = tyFromExpr
  Source   Edit
tyUnknownTypes = {tyProxy, tyFromExpr}
  Source   Edit
tyUserTypeClasses = {tyUserTypeClass, tyUserTypeClassInst}
  Source   Edit


proc `$`(a: NodeId): string {.borrow, ...raises: [], tags: [].}
  Source   Edit
proc `==`(a, b: ItemId): bool {.inline, ...raises: [], tags: [].}
  Source   Edit
proc `==`(a, b: NodeId): bool {.borrow, ...raises: [], tags: [].}
  Source   Edit
proc add(father, son: Indexable)
  Source   Edit
proc comment(n: PNode): string {....raises: [KeyError], tags: [].}
  Source   Edit
proc comment=(n: PNode; a: string) {....raises: [], tags: [].}
  Source   Edit
proc hash(a: NodeId): Hash {.borrow, ...raises: [], tags: [].}
  Source   Edit
proc hash(x: ItemId): Hash {....raises: [], tags: [].}
  Source   Edit
func isNil(id: LibId): bool {....raises: [], tags: [].}
  Source   Edit
func len(n: Indexable): int {.inline.}
  Source   Edit
proc setUseIc(useIc: bool) {....raises: [], tags: [].}
  Source   Edit


template `[]=`(n: Indexable; i: BackwardsIndex; x: Indexable)
  Source   Edit
template `[]=`(n: Indexable; i: int; x: Indexable)
  Source   Edit
template `[]`(n: Indexable; i: BackwardsIndex): Indexable
  Source   Edit
template `[]`(n: Indexable; i: int): Indexable
  Source   Edit