This module implements a reStructuredText (RST) parser. A large subset is implemented with some limitations and Nim-specific features. A few extra features of the Markdown syntax are also supported.
Nim can output the result to HTML [1] or Latex [2].
If you are new to RST please consider reading the following:
- a short quick introduction
- an RST reference: a comprehensive cheatsheet for RST
- a more formal 50-page RST specification.
Supported standard RST features:
- body elements
- sections
- transitions
- paragraphs
- bullet lists using +, *, -
- enumerated lists using arabic numerals or alphabet characters: 1. ... 2. ... or a. ... b. ... or A. ... B. ...
- footnotes (including manually numbered, auto-numbered, auto-numbered with label, and auto-symbol footnotes) and citations
- definition lists
- field lists
- option lists
- indented literal blocks
- simple tables
- directives (see official documentation in RST directives list):
- image, figure for including images and videos
- code
- contents (table of contents), container, raw
- include
- admonitions: "attention", "caution", "danger", "error", "hint", "important", "note", "tip", "warning", "admonition"
- substitution definitions: replace and image
- comments
- inline markup
- emphasis, strong emphasis, inline literals, hyperlink references (including embedded URI), substitution references, standalone hyperlinks, internal links (inline and outline)
- `interpreted text` with roles :literal:, :strong:, emphasis, :sub:/:subscript:, :sup:/:superscript: (see RST roles list for description).
- inline internal targets
Additional Nim-specific features:
- directives: code-block [cmp:Sphinx], title, index [cmp:Sphinx]
- predefined roles
- :nim: (default), :c: (C programming language), :python:, :yaml:, :java:, :csharp (C#). That is every language that highlite supports. They turn on appropriate syntax highlighting in inline code.Note: default role for Nim files is :nim:, for *.rst it's currently :literal:.
- generic command line highlighting roles:
- :cmd: for commands and common shells syntax
- :console: the same for interactive sessions (commands should be prepended by $)
- :program: for executable names [cmp:Sphinx] (one can just use :cmd: on single word)
- :option: for command line options [cmp:Sphinx]
- :tok:, a role for highlighting of programming language tokens
- :nim: (default), :c: (C programming language), :python:, :yaml:, :java:, :csharp (C#). That is every language that highlite supports. They turn on appropriate syntax highlighting in inline code.
- triple emphasis (bold and italic) using ***
- :idx: role for `interpreted text` to include the link to this text into an index (example: Nim index).
double slash // in option lists serves as a prefix for any option that starts from a word (without any leading symbols like -, --, /):
//compile compile the project //doc generate documentation
Here the dummy // will disappear, while options compile and doc will be left in the final document.
Optional additional features, turned on by options: RstParseOption in rstParse proc:
- emoji / smiley symbols
- Markdown tables
- Markdown code blocks
- Markdown links
- Markdown headlines
- using 1 as auto-enumerator in enumerated lists like RST # (auto-enumerator 1 can not be used with # in the same list)
Currently we do not aim at 100% Markdown or RST compatibility in inline markup recognition rules because that would provide very little user value. This parser has 2 modes for inline markup:
- Markdown-like mode which is enabled by roPreferMarkdown option (turned on by default).Note: RST features like directives are still turned on
- Compatibility mode which is RST rules.
- backticks (code) identically:
- backslash does not escape; the only exception: \ folowed by ` does escape so that we can always input a single backtick ` in inline code. However that makes impossible to input code with \ at the end in single backticks, one must use double backticks:
`\` -- WRONG ``\`` -- GOOD So single backticks can always be input: `\`` will turn to ` code
- no Unicode support in character width calculations
- body elements
- no roman numerals in enumerated lists
- no quoted literal blocks
- no doctest blocks
- no grid tables
- some directives are missing (check official RST directives list): parsed-literal, sidebar, topic, math, rubric, epigraph, highlights, pull-quote, compound, table, csv-table, list-table, section-numbering, header, footer, meta, class
- no role directives and no custom interpreted text roles
- some standard roles are not supported (check RST roles list)
- no generic admonition support
- inline markup
- no simple-inline-markup
- no embedded aliases
See Nim DocGen Tools Guide for the details about nim doc, nim rst2html and nim rst2tex commands.
See packages/docutils/rstgen module to know how to generate HTML or Latex strings to embed them into your documents.
EParseError = object of ValueError
- Source Edit
FindFileHandler = proc (filename: string): string {.closure, ...gcsafe.}
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MsgHandler = proc (filename: string; line, col: int; msgKind: MsgKind; arg: string) {.closure, ...gcsafe.}
- what to do in case of an error Source Edit
MsgKind = enum meCannotOpenFile = "cannot open \'$1\'", meExpected = "\'$1\' expected", meGridTableNotImplemented = "grid table is not implemented", meMarkdownIllformedTable = "illformed delimiter row of a Markdown table", meNewSectionExpected = "new section expected $1", meGeneralParseError = "general parse error", meInvalidDirective = "invalid directive: \'$1\'", meInvalidField = "invalid field: $1", meFootnoteMismatch = "mismatch in number of footnotes and their refs: $1", mwRedefinitionOfLabel = "redefinition of label \'$1\'", mwUnknownSubstitution = "unknown substitution \'$1\'", mwBrokenLink = "broken link \'$1\'", mwUnsupportedLanguage = "language \'$1\' not supported", mwUnsupportedField = "field \'$1\' not supported", mwRstStyle = "RST style: $1"
- the possible messages Source Edit
RstFileTable = object filenameToIdx*: Table[string, FileIndex] idxToFilename*: seq[string]
- Source Edit
RstParseOption = enum roSupportSmilies, ## make the RST parser support smilies like ``:)`` roSupportRawDirective, ## support the ``raw`` directive (don't support ## it for sandboxing) roSupportMarkdown, ## support additional features of Markdown roPreferMarkdown, ## parse as Markdown (keeping RST as "extension" ## to Markdown) -- implies `roSupportMarkdown` roNimFile ## set for Nim files where default interpreted ## text role should be :nim:
- options for the RST parser Source Edit
ColRstInit = 0
- Initial column number for standalone RST text (Nim global reporting adds ColOffset=1) Source Edit
ColRstOffset = 1
- 1: a replica of ColOffset for internal use Source Edit
LineRstInit = 1
- Initial line number for standalone RST text Source Edit
proc defaultFindFile(filename: string): string {....raises: [], tags: [ReadDirEffect].}
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proc defaultMsgHandler(filename: string; line, col: int; msgkind: MsgKind; arg: string) {....raises: [ValueError, EParseError, IOError], tags: [WriteIOEffect].}
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proc getArgument(n: PRstNode): string {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc getFieldValue(n: PRstNode): string {....raises: [], tags: [].}
Returns the value of a specific rnField node.
This proc will assert if the node is not of the expected type. The empty string will be returned as a minimum. Any value in the rst will be stripped form leading/trailing whitespace.
Source Edit proc rstMessage(filenames: RstFileTable; f: MsgHandler; info: TLineInfo; msgKind: MsgKind; arg: string) {....raises: [ValueError], tags: [].}
- Print warnings using info, i.e. in 2nd-pass warnings for footnotes/substitutions/references or from rstgen.nim. Source Edit
proc rstnodeToRefname(n: PRstNode): string {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc rstParse(text, filename: string; line, column: int; options: RstParseOptions; findFile: FindFileHandler = nil; msgHandler: MsgHandler = nil): tuple[node: PRstNode, filenames: RstFileTable, hasToc: bool] {....raises: [Exception, ValueError], tags: [RootEffect, ReadEnvEffect].}
- Parses the whole text. The result is ready for rstgen.renderRstToOut, note that 2nd tuple element should be fed to initRstGenerator Source Edit
proc whichMsgClass(k: MsgKind): MsgClass {....raises: [], tags: [].}
- returns which message class k belongs to. Source Edit