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Module for computing MD5 checksums.

Note: The procs in this module can be used at compile time.

See also


MD5Context {.final.} = object
  state: MD5State
  count: array[0 .. 1, uint32]
  buffer: MD5Buffer
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MD5Digest = array[0 .. 15, uint8]
MD5 checksum of a string, obtained with the toMD5 proc.   Source   Edit


proc `$`(d: MD5Digest): string {....raises: [], tags: [].}
Converts a MD5Digest value into its string representation.   Source   Edit
proc `==`(D1, D2: MD5Digest): bool {....raises: [], tags: [].}
Checks if two MD5Digest values are identical.   Source   Edit
proc getMD5(s: string): string {....raises: [], tags: [].}

Computes an MD5 value of s and returns its string representation.

See also:

  • toMD5 proc which returns the MD5Digest of a string


assert getMD5("abc") == "900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72"
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proc md5Final(c: var MD5Context; digest: var MD5Digest) {....raises: [], tags: [],

Finishes the MD5Context and stores the result in digest.

If you use the toMD5 proc, there's no need to call this function explicitly.

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proc md5Init(c: var MD5Context) {....raises: [], tags: [], gcsafe.}

Initializes an MD5Context.

If you use the toMD5 proc, there's no need to call this function explicitly.

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proc md5Update(c: var MD5Context; input: cstring; len: int) {....raises: [],
    tags: [], gcsafe.}

Updates the MD5Context with the input data of length len.

If you use the toMD5 proc, there's no need to call this function explicitly.

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proc toMD5(s: string): MD5Digest {....raises: [], tags: [].}

Computes the MD5Digest value for a string s.

See also:

  • getMD5 proc which returns a string representation of the MD5Digest
  • $ proc for converting MD5Digest to string


assert $toMD5("abc") == "900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72"
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