ValueIdMask {.inject.} = distinct uint64
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ValueStore = object data: seq[Value]
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EmptyValueId = 0'u64
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func `==`(m1`gensym14, m2`gensym14: ValueIdMask): bool {.inject, ...raises: [], tags: [].}
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func `[]`[T](i: OptIndex[T]): T {.inline.}
- Returns the underlying index value. i is required to store a valid value Source Edit
func add(store: var ValueStore; item: Value): ValueId {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func getMask(id`gensym14: ValueId): ValueIdMask {.inject, ...raises: [], tags: [].}
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func isNone[T](i: OptIndex[T]): bool {.inline.}
- Tests if i is empty, i.e. doesn't store a valid index-like Source Edit
func isSome[T](i: OptIndex[T]): bool {.inline.}
- Tests if i stores a valid index-like value Source Edit
func len(store: ValueStore): int {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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func setMask(id`gensym14: var ValueId; mask`gensym14: ValueIdMask) {.inject, ...raises: [], tags: [].}
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iterator items(store: ValueStore): Value {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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iterator mitems(store: var ValueStore): var Value {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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iterator mpairs(store: var ValueStore): (ValueId, var Value) {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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iterator pairs(store: ValueStore): (ValueId, Value) {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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macro declareStoredTableField(Db, field, Name, Typ: untyped): untyped
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macro declareStoredTableSeqField(Db, field, Name, Typ: untyped): untyped
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template `==`[T](a, b: OptIndex[T]): bool
- Compares a and b for equality. If both are 'nil', they're are also treated as equal Source Edit
template `[]`(store: var ValueStore; index: ValueId): Value
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template declareHighMasking(Name: untyped; highMaskRange: static[range[0 .. 64]] = 0; BaseType: typed = uint64): untyped
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template declareIdType(Name: untyped; addHash: static[bool] = false; BaseType: typed = uint64): untyped {.dirty.}
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template declareStoreField(Type, field, Name: untyped): untyped {.dirty.}
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template declareStoreType(Name: untyped): untyped {.dirty.}
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