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This module contains defintions of all types and configuration objects that are used to determine nim compiler inputs.


Command = enum
  cmdNone,                  ## not yet processed command
  cmdUnknown,               ## command unmapped
  cmdCompileToC, cmdCompileToJS, cmdCompileToVM, cmdCrun, ## compile and run in nimache
  cmdTcc,                   ## run the project via TCC backend
  cmdCheck,                 ## semantic checking for whole project
  cmdParse,                 ## parse a single file (for debugging)
  cmdScan,                  ## scan/lexically analyse a single file (for debugging)
  cmdRod,                   ## .rod to some text representation (for debugging)
  cmdIdeTools,              ## ide tools (e.g. nimsuggest)
  cmdNimscript,             ## evaluate nimscript
  cmdDoc,                   ## convert .nim doc comments to HTML
  cmdDoc2tex,               ## convert .nim doc comments to LaTeX
  cmdRst2html,              ## convert a reStructuredText file to HTML
  cmdRst2tex,               ## convert a reStructuredText file to TeX
  cmdJsondoc, cmdCtags, cmdBuildindex, cmdGendepend, cmdDump, cmdInteractive, ## start interactive session
  cmdNop, cmdJsonscript,    ## compile a .json build file
Compiler execution command   Source   Edit
ConfNoteSet = enum
  cnCurrent,                ## notes after resolving all logic(defaults,
                             ## verbosity)/cmdline/configs
  cnMainPackage, cnForeign, cnWarnAsError, cnHintAsError, cnCmdline, ## notes that have been set/unset from cmdline
  cnModifiedy                ## notes that have been set/unset from either
                             ## cmdline/configs
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CurrentConf = object
  backend*: TBackend         ## set via `nim x` or `nim --backend:x`
  target*: Target
  localOptions*: TOptions    ## Localized configuration options - they can
                             ## be set via command-line or using region-local pragmas.
  globalOptions*: TGlobalOptions ## Global configuration options that can
                                 ## only be supplied from the command line or the configuration files.
  cppDefines*: HashSet[string] ## C pre-processor defines
  features*: set[Feature]
  symbolFiles*: SymbolFilesOption
  symbols*: StringTableRef ## We need to use a StringTableRef here as
                           ## defined symbols are always guaranteed to be style insensitive.
                           ## Otherwise hell would break lose.
  prefixDir*: AbsoluteDir
  nimcacheDir*: AbsoluteDir  ## Directory to write temporary generated
                             ## files to.
  libpath*: AbsoluteDir      ## Path to the standard library
  nimblePaths*: seq[AbsoluteDir] ## List of provided `--nimblePath`
                                 ## directories
  searchPaths*: seq[AbsoluteDir] ## Explicitly added list of the search
                                 ## paths for modules. Those are queried first.
  lazyPaths*: seq[AbsoluteDir] ## Implicitly constructed list of the
                               ## search paths for modules. Updated when `--nimblePath` option is
                               ## provided, and consists of explicitly provided nimble paths to the
                               ## found package directories. Last part allows to specify directory for
                               ## packages and avoid specifying `--path` for every single one of them.
  macrosToExpand*: StringTableRef ## Table of the target macros to expand.
  arcToExpand*: StringTableRef ## Table of function names to expand arc for
  cmd*: Command              ## raw command parsed as enum
  selectedGC*: TGCMode       ## the selected GC (+)
  exc*: ExceptionSystem      ## Selected exception system
  cCompiler*: TSystemCC      ## the used compiler
  filenameOption*: FilenameOption
  noteSets*: array[ConfNoteSet, ReportKinds] ## All note sets used for
                                             ## compilation. Active note set (`ConfNoteSet.cnCurrent`) can be
                                             ## swapped (depending on the context - push/pop, target package) or
                                             ## modified (via user configuration, command-line flags)
  isVmTrace*: bool           ## Whether runtime vm tracing is enabled or not
  numberOfProcessors*: int   ## number of processors. Can be set using
                             ## `--parallelbuild`, otherwise defaults to number of processors.
  outFile*: RelativeFile
  outDir*: AbsoluteDir
  depfile*: AbsoluteFile
  implicitImports*: seq[string] ## modules that are to be implicitly
                                ## imported
  implicitIncludes*: seq[string] ## modules that are to be implicitly
                                 ## included
  cIncludes*: seq[AbsoluteDir] ## directories to search for included files
  cLibs*: seq[AbsoluteDir]   ## directories to search for lib files
  cLinkedLibs*: seq[string]  ## libraries to link
  dllOverrides*: StringTableRef ## `--dynliboverride`
  projectPath*: AbsoluteDir  ## holds a path like
  projectName*: string       ## holds a name like 'nim'
                             ## /home/alice/projects/nim/compiler/
  projectFull*: AbsoluteFile ## projectPath/projectName
  linkOptionsCmd*: seq[string] ## options passed from `passl` on the
                               ## command line.
  compileOptionsCmd*: seq[string] ## `passc` on the command line.
                                  ## Compilation options that would be used for every single file. They
                                  ## are placed in front of the file-specific options.
  configVars*: StringTableRef ## Additional configuration variables for
                              ## providing extra options for different compiler subsystems.
Active, 'input' compiler configuration that controls behavior of the system.   Source   Edit
ExceptionSystem = enum
  excNone,                  ## no exception system selected yet
  excNative,                ## use backend native exception handling
  excGoto                    ## exception handling based on goto
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Feature = enum
  implicitDeref, dotOperators, callOperator, destructor, notnil, vmopsDanger,
  strictFuncs, views, strictNotNil, overloadableEnums, strictEffects,
experimental features; DO NOT RENAME THESE!   Source   Edit
FilenameOption = enum
  foAbs,                    ## absolute path, e.g.: /pathto/bar/foo.nim
  foRelProject,             ## relative to project path, e.g.: ../foo.nim
  foCanonical,              ## canonical module name
  foLegacyRelProj,          ## legacy, shortest of (foAbs, foRelProject)
  foName,                   ## lastPathPart, e.g.: foo.nim
  foStacktrace               ## if optExcessiveStackTrace: foAbs else: foName
Filename formatting option   Source   Edit
MsgFormatKind = enum
  msgFormatText = "text",   ## text legacy reports message formatting
  msgFormatSexp = "sexp"     ## sexp legacy reports message formatting
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SymbolFilesOption = enum
  disabledSf,               ## disables Rod files and maybe packed AST features
  writeOnlySf,              ## not really sure, beyond not reading rod files
  readOnlySf,               ## we only read from rod files
  v2Sf,                     ## who knows, probably a bad idea
  stressTest                 ## likely more bad ideas
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TBackend = enum
  backendInvalid = "", backendC = "c", backendJs = "js", backendNimVm = "vm"
Target compilation backend   Source   Edit
TGCMode = enum
  gcUnselected = "unselected", gcNative = "native", ## use the memory management native to the backend
  gcArc = "arc", gcOrc = "orc"
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TGlobalOption = enum
  gloptNone, optForceFullMake, optWasNimscript, ## redundant with `cmdNimscript`, could be
                                                 ## removed
  optListCmd, optCompileOnly, optNoLinking, optCDebug, ## turn on debugging information
  optGenDynLib,             ## generate a dynamic library
  optGenStaticLib,          ## generate a static library
  optGenGuiApp,             ## generate a GUI application
  optGenScript,             ## generate a script file to compile the *.c
                             ## files
  optGenMapping,            ## generate a mapping file
  optRun,                   ## run the compiled project
  optUseNimcache,           ## save artifacts (including binary) in $nimcache
  optStyleHint,             ## check that the names adhere to the style guide
  optStyleError,            ## enforce that the names adhere to the style guide
  optSkipSystemConfigFile,  ## skip the system's cfg/nims config file
  optSkipProjConfigFile,    ## skip the project's cfg/nims config file
  optSkipUserConfigFile,    ## skip the users's cfg/nims config file
  optSkipParentConfigFiles, ## skip parent dir's cfg/nims config files
  optNoMain,                ## do not generate a "main" proc
  optUseColors,             ## use colors for hints, warnings, and errors
  optThreads,               ## support for multi-threading
  optStdout,                ## output to stdout
  optThreadAnalysis,        ## thread analysis pass
  optTlsEmulation,          ## thread var emulation turned on
  optGenIndex,              ## generate index file for documentation;
  optEmbedOrigSrc,          ## embed the original source in the generated
                             ## code also: generate header file
  optIdeDebug,              ## idetools: debug mode
  optExcessiveStackTrace,   ## fully qualified module filenames
  optShowAllMismatches,     ## show all overloading resolution candidates
  optWholeProject,          ## for 'doc': output any dependency
  optDocInternal,           ## generate documentation for non-exported
                             ## symbols
  optDeclaredLocs,          ## show declaration locations in messages
  optNoNimblePath, optDynlibOverrideAll, optSeqDestructors, ## active if the implementation uses the new
                                                             ## string/seq implementation based on destructors
  optMultiMethods, optBenchmarkVM, ## Enables cpuTime() in the VM
  optProduceAsm,            ## produce assembler code
  optPanics,                ## turn panics (sysFatal) into a process
                             ## termination
  optSourcemap, optProfileVM, ## enable VM profiler
  optEnableDeepCopy,        ## ORC specific: enable 'deepcopy' for all types
  optCmdExitGcStats,        ## print gc stats as part of command exit
  optTimeTrace               ## create a trace of where the compiler spends
                             ## its time
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TOption = enum
  optNone, optObjCheck, ## `ccgenexprs.nim` generates `isObj` check if this options
                         ## is enabled for a procedure
  optFieldCheck, ## Codegen uses it to conditionally generate check for a
                  ## discriminant field
  optRangeCheck,            ## Control generation of range checks in the backend
  optBoundsCheck,           ## Control generation of the array boundary checks in
                             ## the backend
  optOverflowCheck,         ## Integer overflow check control
  optNaNCheck,              ## Raise float invalid defect C backend if operation
                             ## returned nan
  optInfCheck, ## Raise float overflow in C backend if operation reaturned
                ## inf
  optStaticBoundsCheck, optStyleCheck, ## Check symbol for spelling consistency
  optAssert, optLineDir, optWarns, optHints, optOptimizeSpeed, optOptimizeSize, optStackTrace, ## stack tracing support
  optStackTraceMsgs,        ## enable custom runtime msgs via `setFrameMsg`
  optLineTrace,             ## line tracing support (includes stack tracing)
  optByRef,                 ## use pass by ref for objects
                             ## (for interfacing with C)
  optProfiler,              ## profiler turned on
  optImplicitStatic,        ## optimization: implicit at compile time
                             ## evaluation
  optTrMacros,              ## en/disable pattern matching
  optMemTracker, optSinkInference, ## 'sink T' inference
  optCursorInference, optImportHidden
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TOptions = set[TOption]
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TSystemCC = enum
  ccNone, ccGcc, ccNintendoSwitch, ccLLVM_Gcc, ccCLang, ccBcc, ccVcc, ccTcc,
  ccEnv, ccIcl, ccIcc, ccClangCl
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TValidBackend = range[backendC .. backendJs]
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experimentalFeatures: set[Feature] = {implicitDeref..unicodeOperators}
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validBackends: set[TValidBackend] = {backendC..backendJs}
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func flip[I](s: var set[I]; it: I; val: bool)
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