
Compiler Debugging Guide

The process of identifying and removing errors from computer hardware or software.

How to debug different subsystems of the compiler using built-in tooling.

Each of these approaches requires building a debug or temporary compiler. Building a debug or temporary compiler is covered in the Internals documentation under the section Developing the compiler. Some might require additional defines as part of building the compiler and are detailed in the relevant sections below.

The remaining sections of this document describes how to debug various aspects of the compiler.

Debugging Defines - Quick Reference

(if you're new to compiler debugging skip this section to the next heading)

For those familiar with debugging the compiler below are quick reference tables for the various defines involved. Those new to debugging the compiler you can skim or skip these and see the following sections for details what they are and how to use them.

Used when compiling the compiler itself

nimDebugUtilsAllows for semantic analysis execution tracing and more
nimDebugUnreportedErrorsEnable unreported error debugging
nimVMDebugExecutePrint out every instruction executed by the VM
nimCompilerStacktraceHintsAdd extra information (node location + kind) to some

Used when executing the compiler

(most of these require a compiler built with nimDebugUtils)

nimCompilerDebugReports for localized piece of the user code
nimCompilerDebugCalltraceCall trace reports
nimCompilerDebugTraceDirWrites call traces to the specified directory

Common operations & how-tos

Getting started with debugutils and astrepr

tl;dr: import compiler/utils/astrepr and debug any value. If you
want only debug a specific section use setImplicitDebugConfRef and then inDebug() checks (paired with {.define(nimCompilerDebug).} in the code) or inFile() (specific file name)

This section provides a short getting started guide on how to use the debug proc from the astrepr module and how it is integrated with debugutils.

The main procedure for printing and debugging internal representation is astrepr.debug. It has several overloads that allow to print PType, PSym and PNode - main types of the IR. The simplest use case is

debug node

Which would print the structure of the tree. By default debug uses implicit configuration, stored in the astrepr.implicitTReprConf variable. You can pass your own configuration to the debug, or modify the global configuration if needed. There are several preset configurations of the TReprConf object, all defined the astrepr:

debug node, onlyStructureTReprConf # Print only basic structure of the tree
debug node, verboseTReprConf # Print all existing fields
debug node, defaultTReprConf # Starting configuration
debug node, defaultTraceReprConf # Used for traced - rather compact

In addition to implicit configuration of the tree printing functions there is also an implicit ConfRef variable that can be set via astrepr.setImplicitDebugConfRef. If it is set it will be used by the debug functions to access more information - for example it will now be able to resolve file index field in the TLineInfo.

Setting this variable makes it possible to use the inFile() and inDebug() debugging helpers for checking whether compiler is currently processing a specific file or is in the {.defune(nimCompilerDebug).} section.

Warning: The inFile() and inDebug() are not to be used in the final code, they implemented purely for the debug purposes.

Do debugging only for a limited range of code

Wrap the code range in define-undef of nimCompilerDebug and put the debugging logic in the if config.isCompilerDebug check.

Print semantic trace for range of code

Define nimCompilerDebug and nimCompilerDebugCalltrace ({.define(nimCompilerDebug), define(nimCompilerDebugCalltrace).}). Don't forget to build the compiler with -d=nimDebugUtils.

Print short file names in trace

Compile test compiler with --filenames=canonical

Configure in-trace printing

Change fields in the astrepr.implicitCompilerTraceReprConf - it is implicitly used by the sem tracer.

Configure semantic trace parser

Right now some details of the configuration are coded into HackController object (defined in options.nim) and it's default version - defaultHackController (also defined in options.nim). For details on specific fields and uses please see the documentation comments, but high-level overview of functionality is (might be a little outdated):

semStackReport stack trace
semTraceDataAssociated data print
reportInTraceIndentation printing

Simplest / All Apsects - Debug Helper Modules

astrepr module provides a collection of useful procedures for printing internal representation types (PSym, PType and PNode) in a readable manner. For more documentation see the module itself.

This is the simplest approach a bit better than echo based debugging. Use the exported procs from the module, build the compiler and look at the output.

Semantic Analysis - Execution Tracing

This creates a call trace of semantic analysis functions and procedures that were invoked when compiler some code. This is useful for debugging how the compiler is interpreting a fragment of code.

Quick start: ******** Ensure the compiler is built with nimDebugUtils defined.

Execution Tracing a Fragment

Using a compiler built with nimDebugUtils defined, compile your test file with nim c -d=nimCompilerDebugCalltrace --filenames:canonical file.nim and annotate code block with the nimCompilerDebug wrapper.


You will get all the call entries traced

>>] trace start
#0]> semExpr @ sem/semexprs.nim(2948, 21) from sem/semstmts.nim(2446, 1)
#1]  > semOverloadedCallAnalyseEffects @ sem/semexprs.nim(941, 21) from sem/semexprs.nim(1133, 1)
#2]    > semOverloadedCall @ sem/semcall.nim(569, 21) from sem/semexprs.nim(950, 1)
#3]      > semExpr @ sem/semexprs.nim(2948, 21) from sem/semexprs.nim(43, 1)
#4]        > semTypeNode @ sem/semtypes.nim(1903, 21) from sem/semobjconstr.nim(469, 1)
#4]        < semTypeNode @ sem/semtypes.nim(1903, 21) from sem/semobjconstr.nim(469, 1)
#3]      < semExpr @ sem/semexprs.nim(2948, 21) from sem/semexprs.nim(43, 1)
#2]    < semOverloadedCall @ sem/semcall.nim(569, 21) from sem/semexprs.nim(950, 1)
#1]  < semOverloadedCallAnalyseEffects @ sem/semexprs.nim(941, 21) from sem/semexprs.nim(1133, 1)
#0]< semExpr @ sem/semexprs.nim(2948, 21) from sem/semstmts.nim(2446, 1)
#0]> semExpr @ sem/semexprs.nim(2948, 21) from sem/semstmts.nim(2446, 1)
<<] trace end

Anatomy of a Trace Entry

Reports are formatted in the cli_reporter.nim as well (all debug reports are also transferred using regular reporting pipeline). It has a lot of information, but general parts for each call parts are:

#2]    < semOverloadedCall @ sem/semcall.nim(569, 21) from sem/semexprs.nim(950, 1)
^      ^ ^                   ^                             ^
|      | |                   |                             Where proc has been called from
|      | |                   Location of the `addInNimDebugUtils()` - the proc itsemf
|      | Name of the proc
|      Whether proc has been entered or exited
Depth of the traced call tree

Missing Trace Entries

Execution tracing is implemented by adding a template to each routine in the compiler manually (gasp!). Thankfully they're easy to add and quick win contributions making coverage easy to grow.

To add traces for a missed compiler routine insert a call to one of the addInNimDebugUtils() overloads from utils.debugutils at the start of said routine. See the snippet below to show how tracing was added to sem.semOverloadedCall:

proc semOverloadedCall(c: PContext, n, nOrig: PNode,
                       filter: TSymKinds, flags: TExprFlags): PNode {.nosinks.} =
  addInNimDebugUtils(c.config, "semOverloadedCall")
  # Rest of the code as before ...

Comparing/Logging Traces: Differential Debugging

If test compiler runs with -d=nimCompilerDebugTraceDir=/some/dir option the reports stored between different sections are written into separate files in this directory. This is helpful if you want to track bugs where you have two pieces or versions of code where one works and the other doesn't. Collect traces for both and compare them to see how the compiler analysis differs between them and use that to guide your investigation. This technique is called differential debugging or sometimes differential diagnosis.

For example, semchecked ast passed down as untyped macro argument #193 has two distinct cases (foo1 and foo3) whose only difference is the presence of the let symbol. We can clean up the example code a little (leaving only two examples that we plan to compare):

macro check(args: varargs[untyped]): untyped = discard
# Removed the import and `treeRepr()` call because they are not
# necessary in this case - we will see all the processed data
# in the debug trace.

proc foo1() =
  let check = 123
  var a = 1
  var b = 1
  {.define(nimCompilerDebug), define(nimCompilerDebugCalltrace).}
  check(a == b)
  {.undef(nimCompilerDebug), undef(nimCompilerDebugCalltrace).}

proc foo3() =
  var a = 1
  var b = 1
  # this is what it should be
  {.define(nimCompilerDebug), define(nimCompilerDebugCalltrace).}
  check(a == b)
  {.undef(nimCompilerDebug), undef(nimCompilerDebugCalltrace).}

If we compiled the code with the following command (/tmp/nimtrace can any other target directory)

nim c --filenames:canonical -d=nimCompilerDebugTraceDir=/tmp/nimtrace -d=nimDebugUtils file.nim

We will get two large files - /tmp/nimtrace/0 and /tmp/nimtrace/1 that contain debug trace for the first and second sections respectively. The files are quite large, so they are not included here, but the most notable part are (again, for the first and second group respectively):

#0]> semExpr @ sem/semexprs.nim(2948, 21) from sem/semstmts.nim(2446, 1)
      from flags: {}
      from node:
        0 Ident check
        1 Infix
          0 Ident ==
          1 Ident a
          2 Ident b
#1]  > semIndirectOp @ sem/semexprs.nim(1025, 21) from sem/semexprs.nim(3095, 1)
#0]> semExpr @ sem/semexprs.nim(2948, 21) from sem/semstmts.nim(2446, 1)
      from flags: {}
      from node:
        0 Ident check
        1 Infix
          0 Ident ==
          1 Ident a
          2 Ident b
#1]  > semOverloadedCallAnalyseEffects @ sem/semexprs.nim(941, 21) from sem/semexprs.nim(1133, 1)

As you can see, the input ASTs are identical - check(a == b), call, infix and so on. We need to find out where exactly the calltree diverges, that is most likely going to be a location of the bug. Second group's semOverloadedCall generates correct results, so we most likely need to look into the semIndirectOp call here, because it does not make any sense. It calls from sem/semexprs.nim(3095, 1). If we go into the file and look at the surrounding code we will see that call to semDirectOp is really there. line 3070 contains call to the qualifiedLookUp2 call, that should've returned a skMacro symbol there (branch on line 3077), but this does not happen in the first case. This means we need to add the tracer call to the lookup implementation.

c.config.addInNimDebugUtils("qualifiedLookup2", n, result)

This change results in the two more entries added to the call trace:

#1]  > qualifiedLookup2 @ sem/lookups.nim(732, 11) from sem/semexprs.nim(3070, 1)
         from node:
           Ident check
#1]  < qualifiedLookup2 @ sem/lookups.nim(732, 11) from sem/semexprs.nim(3070, 1)
         to sym:
             typ:   Int sk:Type
             owner:  kind:skProc name:foo1
#1]  > qualifiedLookup2 @ sem/lookups.nim(732, 11) from sem/semexprs.nim(3070, 1)
         from node:
           Ident check
#1]  < qualifiedLookup2 @ sem/lookups.nim(732, 11) from sem/semexprs.nim(3070, 1)
         to sym:
             flags: {Used, Global}
             typ:   Proc (args):
             owner:  kind:skModule name:file

As you can see now, the return values of this procedure are different here. We have successfully localized the bug from 'whole compiler' to a specific procedure.

Tip: It is perfeclty fine to add new debug trace options or remove some of the existing ones if you think it is necessary for you to better understand what is going on in the compiler.

Sometimes it is necessary to print processed nodes for a specific part of the compiler procedure, but it runs multiple times on the code that does not show any issues, clobbering the final output and making it harder to figure out what was wrong.

In that case you can wrap problematic (input) code with {.define(nimCompilerDebug).} and {.undef(nimCompilerDebug).} sections, and then check for the symbols definition using debugutils.isCompilerDebug, to filter out unnecessary noise.

if c.config.isCompilerDebug():
  # Check if we are in the `{.defined(nimCompilerDebug).}` section
  # Call any debugging logic you can think of
  echo c.config.treeRepr(result, maxPath = 1)

Alternatively, if you need to filter out node on the file/line location basis, you can use inFile and inLines procs defined in the astrepr. Note that both of them are only for debug purposes, and should not stay in the final code.

Warning: Specific details of processing for modules in presence of multiple compile-time statements (such as {.define().}) is yet to be properly specified and tested, so when used for cross-module semantic issues (god help you if you ever find yourself facing something like this) it might inhibit unexpected behavior.

MIR Input and Output

For debugging issues related to the MIR but also code-generator issues in general, one can print the input and output to the MIR canonicalization step plus the corresponding PNode-AST output.

To print the PNode-AST that reaches mirgen, --define:nimShowMirInput=name is used. This will print out the PNode-AST of all procedures and modules of which the name is equal to the specified name in the console. Because of how dead-code-elimination works, only the AST of alive procedures (i.e. used ones) is printed. If a procedure is used at both compile- and run-time, it will be printed twice.

To print the generated MIR code for a procedure, --define:nimShowMir=name can be used. The same limitation as for nimShowMirInput apply.

--define:nimShowMirOutput=name prints the CgNode-IR that is output by cgirgen. This is IR that the code generators operate on.

While all of the defines listed above can be used simultaneously, only a single occurrence of each is considered. Each further occurrence will override the respective name.

VM Codegen and Execution

For echoing the VM bytecode generated for compile-time procedures and macros, --define:expandVmListing=vmTarget can be passed to the compiler (no special build of the compiler is required). The bytecode for all routines of which the name is vmTarget is then echoed to the standard output. Leaving vmTarget empty enables echoing for all VM bytecode that is generated as part of compile-time execution.

For example (generated listing might not match exactly)

  Obj = object
    charField: char
    intField: int

proc vmTarget(arg: Obj) =
  echo + arg.intField

nim c --filenames:canonical --define:expandVmListing=vmTarget file.nim
Code listing for 'vmTarget' file.nim(6, 6)
  LdConst      r3     $     1279                system.nim(2005, 30)
  LdObj        r6     r1     r0                 file.nim(7, 11)
  NodeToReg    r5     r6     r0                 file.nim(7, 11)
  Conv         r6     r5     int   char         file.nim(7, 21)
  LdObj        r7     r1     r1                 file.nim(7, 31)
  NodeToReg    r5     r7     r0                 file.nim(7, 31)
  AddInt       r4     r6     r5                 file.nim(7, 26)
  IndCallAsgn  r2     r3     #2                 file.nim(7, 26)
  Echo         r2     r1     r0                 file.nim(7, 26)
  Ret          r0     r0     r0                 file.nim(7, 8)
  Eof          r0     r0     r0                 file.nim(7, 8)