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proc alloc[T: Continuation](U: typedesc[T]; E: typedesc): E:type {.used, inline.}
Reimplement this symbol to customize continuation allocation; U is the type supplied by the user as the cps macro argument, while E is the type of the environment composed for the specific continuation. Source   Edit  
proc dealloc[T: Continuation](c: sink T; E: typedesc[T]): E:type {.used, inline.}
Reimplement this symbol to customize continuation deallocation; c is the continuation to be deallocated, while E is the type of its environment. This procedure should generally return nil, as its result may be assigned to another continuation reference. Source   Edit  
proc disarm[T: Continuation](c: T) {.used, inline.}
Reimplement this symbol to customize preparation of a continuation for deallocation. Source   Edit  
proc state(c: Continuation): State {.inline, ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Get the current state of a continuation Source   Edit  
proc tail[T: Continuation](parent: Continuation; child: T): T {.used, inline.}

Reimplement this symbol to configure a continuation for use when it has been instantiated from inside another continuation; currently, this means assigning the parent to the child's mom field. The return value specifies the child continuation.

NOTE: If you implement this as a template, be careful that you assign the child to a variable before manipulating its fields, as it may be an expression...

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proc traceDeque(hook: Hook; c, n: NimNode; fun: string; info: LineInfo;
                body: NimNode): NimNode {.used, ...raises: [], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
This is the default tracing implementation which can be reused when implementing your own trace macros. Source   Edit  


macro `()`[C; R; P](callback: Callback[C, R, P]; arguments: varargs[typed]): R
Allows for natural use of call syntax to invoke a callback and recover its result in a single statement, inside a continuation. Source   Edit  
macro cps(tipe: typed; n: untyped): untyped
When applied to a procedure, rewrites the procedure into a continuation form. When applied to a procedure type definition, rewrites the type into a callback form. Source   Edit  
macro stack[T: Continuation](frame: TraceFrame; target: T): T {.used.}
Reimplement this symbol to alter the recording of "stack" frames. The return value evaluates to the continuation. Source   Edit  
macro trace(hook: static[Hook]; source, target: typed; fun: string;
            info: LineInfo; body: typed): untyped {.used.}
Reimplement this symbol to introduce control-flow tracing of each hook and entry to each continuation leg. The fun argument holds a simple stringification of the target that emitted the trace, while target holds the symbol itself. Source   Edit  
macro whelp(call: typed): untyped

Instantiate the given continuation call but do not begin running it; instead, return the continuation as a value.

If you pass whelp a continuation procedure symbol instead, the result is a Callback which you can use to create many individual continuations or recover the result of an extant continuation.

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macro whelp(parent: Continuation; call: typed): untyped
As in whelp(call(...)), but also links the new continuation to the supplied parent for the purposes of exception handling and similar. Source   Edit  


template boot[T: Continuation](c: T): T {.used.}
Reimplement this symbol to refine a continuation after it has been allocated but before it is first run. The return value specifies the continuation. Source   Edit  
template coop[T: Continuation](c: T): T {.used.}
Reimplement this symbol as a .cpsMagic. to introduce a cooperative yield at appropriate continuation exit points. The return value specifies the continuation. Source   Edit  
template dismissed(c: Continuation): bool
true if the continuation was dimissed. Source   Edit  
template finished(c: Continuation): bool
true if the continuation is finished. Source   Edit  
template head[T: Continuation](first: T): T {.used.}
Reimplement this symbol to configure a continuation for use when there is no parent continuation available. The return value specifies the continuation. Source   Edit  
template recover(c: Continuation): untyped {.used.}
Returns the result, i.e. the return value, of a continuation. Source   Edit  
template running(c: Continuation): bool
true if the continuation is running. Source   Edit  
template whelpIt(input: typed; body: untyped): untyped
Instantiate the given continuation call and inject it in the body. Source   Edit